The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006- West Central School Board Meeting

School Board Meeting Overflows Into Gymnasium As Parents Hear "Good News" About Their Kids

Biggsville- In the past, an overflow crowd at a school board meeting was usually not a good sign but with West Central School Board, it's a good thing for people are witnessing students receiving an extra pat on the back for their academic accomplishments.

November 15th, due to the large number of parents, grandparents and relatives of the students who were in attendance to be honored for exceeding state standards on the ISAT or PSAE test, a decision was made to move the beginning of the board meeting into the elementary gym.

With all board members present, President Lonnie Brent called the meeting to order at approximately 6:00 pm. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. It was quite impressive to hear.

Under "Good News" items, the board recognized 125 students for exceeding state standards on the ISAT or the PSAE test. (photos on page 8 and page 12).

There was a huge crowd in the gym as many parents, grandparents and relatives were present to observe these students receiving a certificate from the Board for their achievement.

Following that presentation, the board moved back into the elementary cafeteria to continue the board meeting.

At this time, President Brent asked if there were any other items to be celebrated as good news items. The following items were offered:

 It was noted that the winter sports programs are underway.

The board approved the agenda as presented.

During the recognition of audience request for presentation, the board heard a very brief report from Sam Sudaker, Carl Sandburg Community College Envoy.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented:

 Minutes of the October 18, regular meeting, closed session minutes, and Criteria for the use of one on one associates

The board approved payment of all bills as presented, the activity accounts as presented and the treasurer's report as presented.

Superintendent Grimm made a few remarks concerning the district's financial report that was presented to the board based on the district's financial condition as of October 31, 2006.

The board heard a presentation from the Superintendent concerning the 2006 tax levy.

Following that presentation and a brief discussion, the board approved the tentative 2006 tax levy and directed the Superintendent to put the tentative tax levy on display and to bring the final tax levy to the board in December for adoption and approval.

The board discussed a proposal from the Mediacall Group for public relation activities. The board first reviewed a draft of the annual report.

The board approved the creation of the annual report at the October 2006 board meeting. The board also reviewed a list of other proposed public relation type activities that were submitted by the Mediacall Group.

The board directed the Superintendent to proceed with the development of a quarterly newsletter which will be mailed to all district residents and the creation of a district video which will be used to help recruit families to the West Central School District.

The board approved a health and life safety amendment for knox boxes. A knox box is a box that will be attached to the exterior of our school buildings very near the main entrances to our buildings.

That box will contain a key to that main entry door so that the fire department may have access to that key in the event of an emergency.

The fire department will be the only people with a key to the knox box. It will be recessed into the brick exterior of the buildings so that it can not be damaged or pried into by someone outside the buildings.

The board approved the library per capita grant as presented.

The board heard reports from Mr. Buss, Mr. Nichols and Mrs. Rima on the activities that they have been involved with since the October board meeting.

The board heard a brief report from District Curriculum Director, Jeanne Serven regarding her activities for the last month.

Mrs. Elliott provided a brief report to the board on her activities of the last month.

The board heard a brief presentation from West Central Early Childhood Program's parent collaborator, Jessica Gittings on the program that is housed at the Early Childhood Center in Media.

The board discussed 6th grade extra-curricular activities. Two significant items came from that discussion.

First, the board indicated their strong desire to continue providing a 6th grade boys and girls basketball and track program.

The board also indicated that they want to continue providing 6th grade boys with the opportunity to play on a 6th grade baseball team and the board indicated a desire to offer 6th grade girls a volleyball program.

The board directed Superintendent Grimm and Athletic Director Blender to begin the steps necessary to put into place a 6th grade girls volleyball program.

The other significant item under discussion during this agenda item was the idea of 6th grade players playing up on a 7th grade team.

After a lengthy discussion, the board decided to table this discussion until the spring.

The board briefly discussed the April 2007 school board election.

It was the consensus of the board that the President Brent and Superintendent Grimm should plan for an orientation program for those candidates who turn in completed nominating petitions after February 5th.

The board briefly discussed the West Central High School 2006 ACT/PSAE scores. The board reviewed a plan put together by WCHS Principal Karen Rima to address those scores.

The board reviewed an updated list of additional school safety items that could be considered as compiled by District Architect Bill Phillips.

As a result of that discussion the board directed Superintendent Grimm to collect additional information on the concept of putting security cameras at some of our entrances, particularly those for which there is no clear line of site between an office or secretary's desk and that particular entrance.

Superintendent Grimm reported that he had a conversation with a representative from the District's insurance carrier regarding skate boarding at West Central Middle School.

It was reported that the insurance carrier would frown on us pursuing that idea and that it would be extremely costly for us to pursue this.

Superintendent Grimm indicated that he would not be pursuing this unless the board directed him to do so. No such direction was forthcoming; therefore, this issue will be dropped.

President Brent briefly reviewed the November 7, 2006 public meeting with the Board.

Under the topic of future agenda items, Board member Clifton indicated that he would like for the Superintendent to review a questionnaire that substitute teachers use and fill out at the end of each of their substitute teaching assignments. Superintendent Grimm will look into this form in more detail and if appropriate put in on a future meeting agenda.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel and student discipline at 9:50 pm.

Upon exiting closed session at approximately 11:35 pm the board took the following action:

The board was reminded that their next meeting will be Wednesday, December 20, 2006. That meeting will be held at the Early Childhood Center in Media and begin at 6 pm.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:43 pm.