The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Veterans Appreciate Patriotism
The Henderson County American Legion reported appreciating the patriotism shown by the West Central Middle School during a Veteran's Day Program on their behalf Friday, November 10, 2006.
Following a welcome by Principal Jeff Nichols and posting of the colors by the American Legion Post #765 Squad, the Pledge of Allegiance was led by student Mary Lewis and the national anthem led by Mrs. Joanne Hilligoss.
A most impressive program was presented and attended by the entire student body and interested citizens, which included veterans and present members of the armed services that students had invited.
The folding of the flag was presented by Colin Joseph and Blake Evans with Legionnaire Ralph Tatge explaining the meaning of each fold as it was folded.
Known as Veteran's Day, which was originally known as Armistice Day, was declared a national holiday in 1938.
A powerpoint presentation done by Mrs. Vickie Keever depicted scenes from WW I to the present, was most poignant and thoughtful.
A story "A Soldier Known But To God" was read by Jackie Collins explaining how the burial site of an unknown American soldier became known in Arlington National Cemetery as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
The program ended with the explanation of Taps by Student Council President Nick Daniels, and with two of our local scouts, Eric Hilligoss playing Taps, and Tyler Anderson playing the echo version of Taps from opposite sides of the West Central gymnasium.
The American Legion Color Guard then retired the flags. Veterans and guests were invited to a reception for refreshments prepared by Karen Day, Dian Renken, and Vicki Wood.
The school is to be commended for this thoughtful and well prepared program honoring our Veterans. The students were attentive and respectful and it was a very fitting tribute for Veterans Day.
According to West Central teacher Mrs. Vicki Keever, the entire middle school had been promoting Veteran's Day all week in the classrooms.
In advisory the students have written thank you letters to Veterans, created name poems, did logging entries on what freedom means to me, and made posters honoring our veterans.
These were posted on the hallway so they could be viewed by all our students and visitors. The students viewed video clips of different wars that our country has been involved in as well as viewed a music video about the "8th of November".
The students were encouraged to invite any veterans they knew to the assembly.
Flyers were put up in our community, announcements in the local papers and announcements on the local radio stations inviting everyone to attend the assembly to honor and thank them for their dedication and sacrifices for our freedom that we take for granted every day.