The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Teacher's Resignation Accepted
At the regular Wednesday, February 15, 2006, meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place.
President Brent called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
All board members except Richard Clifton were present at roll call. Mr. Clifton joined the meeting at approximately 6:25 p.m.
President Brent led the board and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
The board entered executive session to discuss matters related to personnel.
The board returned to open session and accepted the resignation of Jess Amos as Junior High math teacher effective immediately.
Under good news items, the following items were noted:
The board approved the agenda as presented.
Under recognition of audience request for representation, the board heard a brief report from Sam Sudaker, the CSC Envoy. Mr. Sudaker updated the board with the current happenings at Carl Sandburg College as they relate to the West Central School District.
The board approved the consent agenda as presented. Items approved under the consent agenda were as follows:
The board paid all bills as presented, approved the activity accounts as presented, and approved the January treasurer's report as presented. During the payment of the bills, the superintendent reviewed with the board some information regarding our heating costs for the past 18 months. The board also reviewed a 7-month summary of revenue and expenditures as per the district budget.
The board approved the recommendations from the district trophy, banner and composite committee regarding how to deal with the banners, trophies, and composites from the Southern School District and the Union School District. With regard to the banners, the board approved a recommendation that all banners will go to the alumni of their respective school. With regard to trophies, the recommendation was that all trophies go to their former school alumni with the following exceptions:
With regard to the composite class pictures, the board accepted a recommendation that the Southern Composites (33) and the Union Composites (44) become the property of the West Central School District and that these composites will be displayed in carousels in the district.
The remaining composites will be returned to the former school alumni associations.
This means that the composites formally housed in the Southern district will remain on the south campus and those composites formally housed in the Union district will be housed and displayed on the north campus.
Superintendent Grimm was directed to bring back some information regarding the costs for the composites display and it was also suggested that the trophy cases can be reworked utilizing the approved guidelines now in order that they would be properly taken care of before West Central High School's graduation.
The board approved a recommendation to purchase approximately $11,600 worth of 7th and 8th grade social studies textbooks through the Illinois Textbook Loan Program. The board also approved spending approximately $600 of Textbook Loan Program money for additional 8th grade Saxon Math textbooks.
The board approved the contract with the Illinois Association of School Boards for continuation of the PRESS Plus Policy Updating Service. The contract amount is for $1,240 and that is an annual cost.
The board approved as presented the District's Certified Staff Evaluation Plan.
The board approved an emergency Health/Life Safety funding request for preliminary authorization and a certificate of need for Fire Prevention and Safety Funds as presented.
Both of these documents are necessary in order to do the work in the elementary wings regarding the removal of carpet and the installation of exhaust fans to facilitate air flow.
The board heard principal reports from Mr. Buss, Mr, Nichols and Mrs. Rima.
The board heard a report from Mrs. Serven on her activities in the district for the last month. The board also heard an update from Mrs. Serven on the status of our state and federal grants for the 2005-06 school year.
The board heard a report from district athletic director, Jay Blender, regarding the results of the recently completed district's sex equity survey. This survey is required once every four years. The survey was administered to our current 5-11 grade students who will be next year's 6-12 grade students. The board also heard an update from Mr. Blender on our spring sports.
The board was informed of staring dates, number of scheduled dates for our spring sports teams and the number of students signed up to participate on each of our spring sports teams.
The board also directed Mr. Blender and Mr. Nichols to investigate including 6th grade students in our junior high track program.
The board heard a brief report on the various building activities that are being undertaken by district architect, Bill Phillips.
The board was updated on the results of the air quality test that were recently completed, the carpet removal project, the recently awarded energy grant, the wastewater treatment facility, the ten year life safety survey and the school construction grant that was recently submitted for District #235 to the capital development board.
The board heard an update on the high school registration process that will begin next week at West Central High School. The board was also made aware of several significant changes to the high school curriculum that will be implemented for next year.
The board heard an update on the changes to the districts cafeteria program from West Central High School Principal Karen Rima, and Jr. High Principal Jeff Nichols.
The consensus was that the recently implemented changes have been well received by our students and by many of our staff members.
The board was informed that we will continue to observe and evaluate this program for the month of February and then further decisions regarding the cafeteria will be made.
Superintendent Grimm updated the board on enrollment figures through the month of January 2006.
It was pointed out that our total average daily attendance had increased over both November and December.
Several of the reward and incentive programs that are currently being offered to our students were briefly reviewed with the board also.
Superintendent Grimm shared with the board the proposed 2006-07 school calendar. The board was updated on how this calendar was arrived at.
The superintendent informed the board that absent any concerns being brought forth by the board that this calendar would be brought back to them in March as an action item for approval.
The superintendent requested and received permission to price a new school bus for purchase by the district. The superintendent will report back to the board on that topic at the March board meeting.
The board briefly discussed the public meeting that will be held on Sunday, March 5, 2006. That meeting will have as its primary purpose to update our community on positive things that have been happening in District #235 since our beginning on July 1, 2005. The meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. and be held in the gymnasium a the south (Stronghurst) campus building. The public will be invited and encouraged to attend.
The board briefly discussed transportation issues for 2006-07. The board reviewed a proposal from the Southern Transportation Company for continued service for the next three years. The board directed the transportation sub-committee to meet again to discuss this issue and then bring a recommendation back to the full board at their March board meeting. The superintendent also shared with the board that he would like to begin the instructional day 15 minutes earlier beginning with the 2006-07 school year. The superintendent will be working with the principals and transportation people to see if perhaps this could not be worked out.
The board reviewed a district organizational chart that the superintendent had put together. The board had no immediate feedback to that document. The board was informed that this document will be brought back to them for approval at the March board meeting.
Under future agendas the board requested to be updated on the plans that are being made for the West Central High School graduation.
The board entered a second closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 8:28 p.m.
Following the closed session, the board returned to open session at 10:55 p.m. and took the following action:
The board was reminded that their March meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 15, 2006. That meeting will be held in the elementary cafeteria and will begin at 6:00 p.m.
There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:01 p.m.