The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board Meeting

At the Wednesday, June 21 regular meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place.

President Brent called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with all board members present. After President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, the following business took place:

Good News items:

Superintendent Grimm informed the board that he would not be asking the board to take action on the revised FY06 district budget at this meeting. The discussion item WCHS FFA program was also tabled until the July board meeting. Following those comments the board approved the agenda as revised.

During the recognition of audience request for presentation, Carl Sandburg College Envoy, Sam Sudakar was present to make his monthly report.

The board approved the consent agenda as presented. The following items were included in the consent agenda.

The board approved bills as presented for payment. The May activity accounts from each building and the May treasurer's report were also approved.

The Superintendent presented the board with a proposal from J & S Electronics to replace the existing phone system in each of the districts buildings, upgrade the intercom system in each building and provide for necessary updates to our network backbone and system.

The board exchanged dialogue with District Architect Bill Phillips, Mary Beth Sanchez from J & S Electronics and Sam Sudakar from CSC.

Following the discussion the board approved the proposal for this work from J & S Electronics in the amount of $124,049.

It is the intent of the board to have this project completed by the time school in the fall.

The board accepted a proposal from Gunther Companies to provide an additional parking lot on the north campus which will be adjacent to the south entrance to the elementary wing.

This parking lot was bid as an alternate in the original bid package but was ultimately awarded to Gunther Companies. Gunther Companies will be doing the work to install this parking lot but waiting until July of 2007 to receive payment for this work.

The board heard a brief report from the superintendent concerning the FY06 district budget.

It was the request of the superintendent to have a special board meeting on June 29, 2006 to take action on the final amended FY06 district budget. The board granted this request.

There will be a budget hearing on the revised FY06 district budget on June 29, 2006 beginning at 7 p.m. to be held in the elementary cafeteria. A special meeting will follow the budget hearing beginning at 7:15 p.m.

The board approved a quote for some life safety work that needs to be done on the north campus.

The quote from TMI is to repair the ceiling mounted heaters in the hallways. The cost of this work is $2,590 and will be covered by life safety funds.

The board heard reports from West Central Elementary Principal Dale Buss, West Central Jr. High Principal Jeff Nichols and West Central High School Principal Karen Rima.

The board heard an update from Superintendent Grimm on his contract performance objectives.

The board heard an update on the various life safety projects that the district is currently involved in. The board spent some time discussing each of these projects and asking questions of Mr. Phillips. Each of the projects appear to be on track or will be very soon.

The board briefly discussed the board's "no cut" policy on athletic and extra curricular participation.

It was suggested some of the board members had been approached about reconsidering the boards position on the "no cut" policy.

There were few if any comments about this policy during this discussion at the board meeting. District Athletic Director was asked if there had been any problems relative to the current "no cut" policy and he responded that he had not.

There being no apparent willingness to change the policy, Board President Brent closed the discussion and indicated that no changes would be made.

The board discussed again the idea of visiting the school farm.

It was decided that the board will convene prior to the July 19, 2006 regular board meeting at the school farm at 5 p.m.

The board will be given a tour of the farm by WCHS Ag teacher Darrell Gittings and several of his students. Following the tour of the farm, the board will convene to the Jr. High on the south campus for their regularly scheduled July 2006 board meeting to begin at 7 p.m.

The WCHS FFA program discussion item was tabled until the July 2006 meeting due to scheduling conflicts on the part of Mr. Gittings and two of his FFA officers.

There were no future agenda items noted.

The board entered closed session at approximately 8:50 p.m. to discuss matters relating to personnel and returned at 11:05 p.m. and took the following action.

The superintendent's salary for the 2006-07 called for in this contract is a 4% raise as with the other exempt staff members.

The board was reminded that there will be a special board meeting on Thursday, June 29, 2006 in the elementary cafeteria beginning with a budget hearing for the amended FY06 district budget. These meetings will begin at 7 p.m.

The board was also reminded that the July 19, 2006 regular meeting will begin at 5 p.m. with a tour of the school farm. The board will then go to the West Central Jr. High School to conduct their regular board meeting beginning at 7 p.m.

There being no other business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:15 p.m..