The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
The President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lomax met in regular session on Tuesday, June 6 at 7 p.m..
Jennifer Sparrow reported that a committee formed of nine people to help organize Heritage Trail Day activities in the Village set for September 23. Activities include a parade, kidsā games, pie and chili cook-off, etc. The Board approved insurance for the one-day event;
Several members of the community appeared before the Board to discuss semi parking in the Village: Grace Worley, Betty Worley, Dennis Smith, and Brian Grisham requested and addressed the Board. President Todd suggested that the truckers meet with the members of the Streets & Alleys committee to decide if an amicable plan could be formulated. The committee agreed to meet with interested truckers at a date and time to be determined by the parties involved.
Todd said he had contacted Shannon Duncan of WIRC regarding the status of the CDAP grant for water and reported that the grant process had been put on temporary hold due to the deployment of the person processing the grants at the state level. Todd will contact the Lt. Governor and John Sullivan about the matter.
Webster reported on the poor condition of Lumberyard Street. The Board decided to ask the County to blade and put rock on as needed. Rankin will be asked to haul the rock.
The Board discussed closing the parks from dusk til dawn, but no action was taken until the attorney could look into the current ordinance.
Ordinance 2006-1 entitled An Ordinance Regulating Parking was passed and will be published.
In other business the board:
Present were: President Jack Todd, Village Clerk Leslie Roberts, Trustees: James Rosenboom, Ron Van Niewaal,Sarah Schaefer, Karl Schaefer, Jr., and Greg Webster with Kim Peters absent.