The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the regular Wednesday, December 21, 2005 meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education, the following items took place.
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria with all board members present President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under good news items, the following items were offered:
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda. The board then approved the agenda as presented. There were no audience members who requested to address the board on any of the agenda items.
The consent agenda was approved of Open and Closed Board Minutes on November 16 and December 1, 2005
The board approved payment of all bills as presented. Prior to taking action on the bills, the board heard a report from Superintendent Grimm concerning questions on several of the bills. Following action on the bills that were presented for payment, the board approved the monthly activity account summaries as presented.
The board approved the FY06 tax levy as presented. The certificate of tax levy is requesting the county clerks extend taxes on behalf of District #235 in the amount of $3,349,600. That is based on a district wide equalized assessed evaluation of $74,000,000.
The board approved a request from a high school student for an independent study course for the second semester of the 2005-06 school year. The board also heard reports from Elementary Principal Dale Buss, Junior High Principal Jeff Nichols and High School Principal Karen Rima.
The board heard an update from Curriculum Director, Jeanne Serven, on the activities that she has been involved in since the November board meeting.
The board was updated by District Technology Coordinator, Barb Spreitler, on the current activities that she is working on in the area of technology.
The board spent some time hearing reports from the five board members who attended the school board conference in Chicago last month.
The board briefly reviewed the update on the progress that has been made on the Superintendent's Performance Objectives. It was during this part of the discussion that Board President Brent discussed with the board the process for conducting the Superintendent's evaluation. Board members will return their evaluations of the Superintendent to President Brent who will then compile that information and it will then be shared with Superintendent Grimm at the January 2006 board meeting.
The board was made aware that the Superintendent, High School Principal, the two High School Guidance Counselors and Connie Sue Torrance had met recently to discuss several items relative to West Central High School. The board was made aware that there may be some recommended changes that will be brought to them in January regarding West Central High School.
The board reviewed a list of proposed board policy revisions. Following a review of those proposed revised policies by the Superintendent and members of the board's policy sub-committee, the board approved those policies on first reading and directed the Superintendent to bring them back to the board in January for second reading and adoption.
The board reviewed the proposed staff evaluation plan, heard no comment or suggestions for change, and the board will approve the evaluation plan as presented at the January board meeting.
The board discussed the concept of an eighth grade promotion exercise. The board decided that this is an activity that they would like to continue and directed Superintendent Grimm and Principal Nichols to establish a date and begin making those plans.
The board reviewed job descriptions for administrators and were asked to review these again and offer suggestions for change prior to the January board meeting, when it is anticipated that the board will approve the job descriptions with any necessary changes.
The board briefly discussed a meeting that was held in the elementary cafeteria on December 14th regarding farmland assessment and the new Bulletin 810 and how the change in farmland assessment might possibly affect local property tax revenue for District #235.
Under Future Agenda Items, the board requested that they be updated on the happenings and activities at the school farm.
A question was raised about when or if a decision needs to be made regarding bus service for the 2006-07 school year. The Superintendent informed the board that he wished to convene a meeting of the board's transportation sub-committee to begin discussing that topic.
The board entered closed session at approximately 7:40 p.m. to discuss matters related to personnel and to conduct a review of closed session minutes.
The board exited closed session at approximately 11:05 p.m. The following action items were approved by the board following the session:
There being no other business to come before the board, the board adjourned at approximately 11:20 p.m.