The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
At the regular January meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the board convened at 5:30 p.m. in Mrs. Frakes' room to see a demonstration by two of the high school business classes.
The first demonstration was on the district's web page and the second demonstration dealt with a computer that had been built by a second group of students as part of the business enterprise program.
The board moved to the elementary cafeteria where the meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. and after the roll call, President Brent led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Under good news items, the board recognized ten West Central High School seniors on being designated as Illinois State Scholars: Lynn Buss, Blake Byers, Erika Ensminger, Chase Gray, Lyndsay Griepentrog, Brandi Lindo, Lene Lox, Ciara Robinson, Gerry Roark and Jacob Sanning.
Following the presentation of certificates to these ten WCHS students the board identified the following as good news items:
The board then approved the agenda as presented with four additions:
Sam Sudakar, CSC Envoy, briefly addressed the board on some items of interest to the district. Mr. Sudakar specifically talked about the Edunet project and the opportunities for a commercial application of wireless connectivity to members of our wider school community.
The consent agenda was approved as presented. Items approved on the consent agenda included:
Under financial activity the board approved payment of the bills as presented.
Supt. Grimm informed the board of a few questions relative to the bills that he had received prior to the meeting from board members.
The board approved the monthly activity accounts as presented. The board was given a new financial document for approval for the treasurer's activity through November and December. The treasurer's reports were approved as presented.
The board approved the proposed revision to eighteen of their existing board policies. These policies were presented to the board for second reading and adoption. The changes to these policies are effective immediately.
The board approved job descriptions for the three building principals, director of curriculum instruction, technology director, and special education coordinator/psychologist as presented.
The board approved a semester exam attendance incentive. This approval came after discussion with two high school teachers who were in attendance at the meeting and amongst the board members.
Specifically this policy will allow students in grades 7-12 who have two days or less of excused absence from a class, less than two tardies to a class and no unexcused absences for a class the option of taking the semester exam at the end of the second semester of the 2005-06 school year.
Should a student choose to take the semester exam, once they have earned the right to opt out of the exam, the score on their exam can only improve their grade; it can not lower their grade.
This policy was shared with the high schools students at a meeting held on Thursday, January 19, 2006 and will be shared with the Jr. High students as soon as possible.
Calculation for attendance for this option will begin on Monday, January 23.
The board approved the elimination of Freshman honors courses from the WCHS curriculum guide. The board also eliminated the honors grading scale beginning with the 2006-07 school year.
The board was informed that a revision to the regular grading scale now in force at West Central High School may be forth coming for their approval at the February board meeting.
The board heard reports from three building principals.
The board heard a brief report from Jeanne Serven, Curriculum Director, on her activities since the December 21, 2005 board meeting.
The board heard a report from community member Don Brent regarding what to do with the trophies, banners and class composite pictures that have been carried over from the previous school districts. The board will consider the recommendations and possibly take action at the February 2006 meeting.
The board heard a report from the transportation committee regarding bussing issues for the 2006-07 school year. The board was informed that in all likelihood a recommenatoin will be forth coming that we continue utilizing the current arrangement for bussing for the 2006-07 school year. The board was made aware that the transportation committee will be meeting with all the key people who provide our transportation sometime in the next few weeks and additional recommendations may be forth coming.
The board heard a report from board member Brad Arnold regarding the district's farm.
The board briefly discussed the replacement of the light bulbs in the gym lights at West Central High School.
The board discussed briefly ways that they can communicate better with the public. After some discussion it was decided that the Superintendent and Administrators will bring back to the board some specific recommendations at the February 2006 board meeting.
Ideas presented and focused on by the board were a community meeting where perhaps a power point presentation could be provided as well as offer our public an opportunity to ask questions of the board, the administrative team.
A second idea that emerged was the development of a district newsletter that could be mailed to all postal patrons of the district.
The board heard a brief report from West Central High School Principal Karen Rima regarding the scholarships that will be offered to our graduating seniors this spring.
The Superintendent shared a five-year enrollment projection. The assumptions that were made to generate this five-year enrollment projection was shared with the board. It was suggested that given the information reviewed on this enrollment projection all representatives of District 235 should be proactive recruiting families with children into our district.
The board briefly discussed two requests to use district faculties. The Superintendent was directed to contact each of the parties making the request to inform them of the board's direction regarding these requests.
The board reviewed a proposed schedule of activities submitted by the FFA president for FFA week. FFA week will be celebrated in the West Central High School beginning on February 19 and concluding on February 25.
The board reviewed a list of proposed dual policy guidelines for high school boys who may wish to participate in track and baseball this spring. Upon review the board gave their consensus agreement that these guidelines were appropriate.
The Superintendent shared an e-mail that he had received from Couny Assessor Melinda Clark regarding some recently filed legislation pertaining to Bulletin 810, Farm Ground Assessment Bill. Board members were encouraged to call our State Legislatures to voice their opposition to the proposed legislation.
Under future agenda items, the status of a proposed land sale was questioned. The board asked member Brad Arnold to look into this issue and bring the Superintendent up to date and if need be action on this item could be taken at the February meeting.
The board entered closed session at approximately 8:50 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel. Most notably the Superintendent's evaluation.
At 9:40 p.m. the board exited closed session and heard a lengthy presentation from Bill Phillips, District Architect on the status of the projects that he is working on behalf of the district as well as in a change in the focus of the construction grant application that the board will be asked to approve at the special meeting on Monday, January 23, 2006.
Following Mr. Phillip's presentation the board reentered closed session at approximately 10:50 p.m. The board renewed their discussion on matters pertaining to personnel at this time.
The board exited closed session and took the following action:
The board gave approval for Ron Rothzen to be a volunteer bowling coach for the remainder of the 2005-2006 bowling season.
The board's next regularly scheduled meeting is set for Wednesday, February 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. to be held in the elementary cafeteria.
The board was reminded of the special board meeting to discuss matters pertaining to student discipline on Monday, January 23, 2006.
The board adjourned at approximately 11:40 p.m.