The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

"Jesus-There's Something About That Name"

A packed crowd at the Presbyterian Church of Stronghurst heard the Christmas Cantata centered around the beautifully written song by William J. and Gloria Gaither -"There's Something About That Name".

The musical was arranged and orchestrated by Russell Mauldin in a way that allowed musicians to take advantage of full orchestra music, readings, and music.

Pastor Pam Moore, of the Presbyterian Churches of Media and Stronghurst conducted the community chorus which gathered its members from Stronghurst, Methodist, Christian, Lutheran, and Reformed Churches in the area.

The cantata included readings among eight main musical numbers including Come and Worship Medley, Promised One Medley, Living In Me, Beautiful Name Medley, Blessed Be The Child, Cherish That Name, Here I Am To Worship and Go and Worship Medley which included Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Get All Excited, and O Come, All Ye Faithful.

The evening concluded with the choir presenting a thank you picture for Pastor Pam and all joining in Silent Night before refreshments were offered afterwards of Christmas cookies and punch.