The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Christmas Cantata This Sunday

"Jesus, There's Something About That Name"

The Stronghurst community choir will present a Christmas cantata on Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. at The Presbyterian Church of Stronghurst.

The church is located on Dixon Street, one block west of the park.

The title of the cantata is "Jesus, There's Something About That Name", created by Tony Wood and Russell Mauldin.

The cantata is being directed by Pam Moore, who is the pastor for Media and Stronghurst Presbyterian Churches.

She served as choir director for several years at the First Methodist Church in Monmouth.

Seven churches are represented by the singers in the choir:

Media and Stronghurst Presbyterian Churches, Stronghurst and Carman Methodist Churches, Bethel Lutheran Church, Stronghurst Christian Church, and Reformed Church of Raritan.

This compelling new Christmas musical is based on one of the most cherished Gaither songs of all time.

It's powerful presentation combines moving new songs and several heart warming favorites and hymns with a powerful narration, while celebrating that name Jesus, above all other kings and kingdoms.

Please plan to attend this special event that pulls you into the true meaning of Christmas.

A free-will offering will be taken to defray the costs of the music.

There will be a time for fellowship and refreshments