The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

Gladstone Village Board Approves Water Bills due by

Submitted by Joyce Hetrick

At the regular August Village of Gladstone board meeting, the 14th, Robert Swanson made a motion, seconded by Jim Hetrick, to have Mary Bielser send out water bills on the 15th of each month with due date by the 25th which was approved by the board.

Don Burns was present from Rural Development, Galesburg, and explained the procedure necessary in filing a water construction grant. He left various forms to be completed.

The board approved to authorize Engineer John Roegiers, Rock Island, to proceed with CDAP grant by updating cost of construction for current years.

Rheinschmidts of Burlington, IA, will remove old tiles and install 12" x 12" tile at the Community Building for $825.65.

The board voted to hire Kurt McChesney to dig the ditch out in front of Melvin Hick's house from north to south for $600.

A load of wood chips will be purchased for the playground.

Rex McKinney reported a complaint had been made regarding weeds in the ditch on the west side of the village between Elm and Walnut Streets.

Mayor McKinney reported Florence Stewart would sign checks in the mayor's absence.

Byron Sebastian presented the village board with a deed of Sebastian Drive.

Sebastian requested the board consider allowing him a two day liquor license permit during his truck and tractor pulls next August.

The board agreed to allow Gladstone Grain three to four days using grain vac.

The clerk presented a copy of the quarterly water report to the board (the original was given to Don Burns along with other completed forms).

Present was: Rex McKinney, Joyce Hetrick, Junior Bielser, Robert Swanson, Jim Hetrick, Darlene Manes, Linda Seitz and Florence Stewart.