The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
July 5, 2006, at the Biggsville Village Board's regular session, President Janet Monville opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Dan Gibb called roll and read the minutes and bills which were approved as was the treasure's report give by Marilyn Evans in absence of Frank and Gloria Jones.
Present were: Trustees, Dale Allenbaugh, Jack Brokaw (7:10 p.m.), Marilyn Evans, Gloria Minard, and Bob Onion. Absent was, Treasurer, Gloria Jones, Clerk, Frank Jones, and Trustee, Brian Sterett.
Visitors were: Bill Leonard, Leroy Rice, Don Rice, Ray and Mrs. Schwigen, and Dan Gibb, acting secretary for this meeting.
Old business:
June 15th compliance letters:
Ray and Mrs. Schwigen made presentation, regarding the June 15th letter regarding offending bushes, too tall and too close to road and alley intersection. Village Ordinance in effect before 1988. President Monville replied ordinance was revised in 2001.
Ray Schwigen believes the recycling bin is not in compliance with the Village Ordinance (re: no sight obstructions within 30 feet of street/alley intersections, measured from 30 feet of street mid-point. Monville says village also want bushes no more than 3 feet high.
Bill Leonard village's zoning officer, says we should be referring to a 30 feet triangle set-back from the road right-of-way(s), not from the mid-point of a street or an alley.
President Monville says she sent out 13 compliance letters on June 15, 2006.
Ray Schwigen is seeking specific guidance as to where the 30 feet distance is to be measured from where to where. The village will need to clarify this ordinance issue.
Schwigen questions: "Crackdown" or "Response to complaints" is the basis for why the June 15th letters were sent? Safety concerns and/or aesthetics? In discussion, it was apparent that all of these concerns were addressed to some degree in all of the 13 letters.
Leroy Rice, June 15th letter. What does the village want him to do about his "Shop trailer?" He is using the trailer, so village board had no further objection.
He's working also on getting old shed near alley torn down and removed by about July 20, 2006. He is awaiting word from JULIE regarding excavating foundation under the alley side shed.
Mowing of the village's boulevard south of his house. This is too steep to mow. Wants village to shave the bank toward the east. Sidewalk ridge is quite a bit higher than his yard. Rice is not interested in having this sidewalk replaced. Mr. Rice is to meet with Jeff Lant (village's maintenance) about several of the above points.
Rice wants a refund of $35.00 for water for meter removed several years ago. No village board reply. No one could recall anyone getting such a refund.
President Janet Monville noted that five of the June 15, 2006 letters were regrading "dilapidated" buildings.
The village received a letter from Patricia Hunt, and her specific plan of action was very responsive.
Marilyn Evans said they are going to fix-up their old garage.
Clara McVey is going to tear down the garage next to the house on Blaine Street.
Tim Leeper apparently doesn't own the trailer north of Rose Griswold's. Glen Olson maybe still owns it and should get the fix-up letter.
Eric Wixson has discussed his five properties with President Janet Monville.
Mike Boyd is working at clean-up around the old school building.
Parks and Recreation: Dan Gibb read the minutes of the committee's June 26, 2006 meeting. Janet Monville discussed raising money at the ballpark, via 1) parking fee or 2) 50/50 drawings. Marilyn Evans moved 50/50 tickets be sold at the ballpark, seconded by Bob Onion. Motion passed.
Zoning: Dan Gibb gave Bill Leonard a copy of a newspaper article, re: three new state laws regarding "vicious" dogs, since Bill wants the village to develop an ordinance about "vicious" dogs.
Other standing committees of the village board had no specific reports.
Dale Allenbaugh moved the village enter into executive session at 8:45 p.m. to discuss property issue, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Motion passed.
Dale Allenbaugh moved executive session be closed at 9:10 p.m. and return to regular session, seconded by Marilyn Evans. Motion passed.
Gloria Minard moved the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p.m. and seconded by Bob Onion. Motion passed.
The next regular meeting will be on Wednesday, August 2, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. at the Biggsville Community Building.
Frank H. Jones