The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

West Central Board Meeting

At the March 30, 2006 special meeting of the West Central Community Unit School District #235 Board of Education the following items took place.

President Brent called a public hearing to hear testimony from the public concerning the proposed north campus parking lot repair/repaving and lighting project at 5:45 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. All members were present.

District Architect Bill Phillips provided a brief overview of the proposed project. Following that overview Board President Brent opened the floor for comments from members of the audience regarding the proposed project.

No one in the audience presented any testimony regarding the proposed project. That being the case, President Brent adjourned the public hearing at 5:50 p.m.

President Brent convened the special board meeting at 6:00 p.m. All members were present at roll call.

President Brent led the board and audience in the Pledge of the Allegiance to the flag.

Under good news items, the following items were offered:

The board approved the agenda for the special meeting as presented.

There was no one in the audience who asked to address the board on any agenda topic.

The board heard an update on the final ten year life safety survey from District Architect Bill Phillips. Specifically Mr. Phillips highlighted for the board a few of the changes in the final document from the preliminary report that he gave them at the March 15th meeting. Following Mr. Phillips' presentation, board members asked a few questions relative to the project. Following that, Regional Superintendent Bill Braden discussed with the board issues relative to compliance with the life safety code and answered questions that individual board members had as well. Following some additional dialogue the board approved the ten year life safety survey as presented. This survey calls for repair, renovations and remodeling work in the amount of $1,806,000 for the three district campuses.

The board heard a presentation from Mr. Dave Pistorius of First Midstate, Inc. relative to financing the work the board approved in the life safety survey. Following Mr. Pistorius' presentation, the board approved the recommendation to employ First Midstate, Inc. as the bond underwriters and the legal firm of Chapman & Cutler of Chicago as bond counsel. No final decisions regarding the amount of bonds to be sold to finance this project or the effect this issue will have on our property owners' tax rate were made at this point. It was pointed out that those decisions will be made after final approval is given for the work outlined in the ten year life safety survey by the Illinois Board of Education. In all likelihood decisions relative to the financing of this work will not be made until the end of May 2006.

The board approved a one-year contract with Southern Transportation, Inc. for service for our students on the south end of the district. This contract calls for a 2% increase which makes the base contract amount for these services $207,000. It was pointed out that the board sub-committee for transportation is still interested in looking into the possibility of District #235 conducting all of their own bus transportation but that at this time not enough information is available to make an informed decision as to whether or not that is an appropriate move to make. That study of this issue will take place over the summer and a decision will be made early in the fall of the 2006-07 school year.

The board approved a change in the April regular board of education meeting date. The new April board meeting date will be Monday, April 24, 2006. This meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. and be held in the elementary cafeteria on the north campus.

The board approved the 2006-07 school calendar as presented. This calendar was presented after a couple of minor modifications to the parent/teacher conference schedule for the spring of 2007. Copies of next year's school calendar may be found on the district's website.

The board viewed a power point presentation from the superintendent and the three building school improvement plan teams relative to the 2006-07 school improvement plans. The jr. high power point presentation was made by Terri Copeland, the high school presentation was made by Melinda Frakes and the elementary presentation was made by Lisa Schaley. The board was informed of the process that has been used to develop these school improvement plans to date. Each presentation informed the board of the problem statements and hypothesis that each of our school improvement teams are currently considering and the board was informed of the steps that will now be taken to complete the work necessary to have an approvable school improvement plan. The board was informed that they will, in all likelihood, be given the completed school improvement plans at their May board meeting for approval. Board President Brent expressed his appreciation to the team leaders of the school improvement teams for their work on the school improvement plans to date.

Due to some impending severe weather, the board tabled discussion of revisions for the high school, junior high and elementary parent/student handbooks, revisions to the district athletic code and WCJH consideration of the middle school concept. The board will be asked to take action on approving these items at the April 24, 2006 board meeting.

The board entered closed session to discuss matters pertaining to personnel at 8:40 p.m. The board exited closed session and returned to open session at 9:06 p.m.

Upon returning to open session, the board took the following action: