The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, July 18, 1918
ELECTRIC SERVICE SITUATION: At the meeting of subscribers for stock in the proposed local electric light and power company, it was decided by majority vote to authorize the cancellation of the subscriptions. The action was taken after a discussion as to the relative advantages offered by the plan of securing 24 hour service through a local company and that proposed by the Western Illinois Utilities Co. thereby becoming part of their system. Most believed that the most advantages would realized by allying with the larger company.
SOLDIER BOYS: Almost every week some of the soldier boys are at home for a brief furlough and the khaki suits of the soldiers and the gayer apparel of the"Jackies" (Navy)are familiar sights almost any time. Possibly, the most frequent visitors are the boys who return at intervals from the training station at Great Lakes. Last Sunday, Hollis Links, Ralph Simonson and "Buck" Hartquist were at home for a few hours and looked happy and husky. They returned to camp on No.8 and a big delegation of friends was present when the train halted and took them away toward the windy city. People are becoming more accustomed to thought of war now. A few weeks ago when the boys left for the camps, a good many sad faces were left in the crowds on the station platform and many were in tears. Now, the boys leave under more cheering circumstances and that helps those who stay and those who go.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Rev. W.P. Anderson, who has been pastor of the Swedish Lutheran Church for the past seven years, has tendered his resignation to accept the pastorate of the Lutheran Church of Cicero, a suburb of Chicago. Russell Brooks is enrolled at a military training school in mechanics at Camp Bradley near Peoria. Max Sanderson and Lyman Ross are trying to be patient until they recover from an attack of the mumps. John Fort passed the physical in Galesburg and expects to go to Jefferson Barracks to be assigned to the radio services. Roland Davidson, who threw up a lucrative and comparatively safe job at Chicago to get in the world war, is now at South Charleston, Va. and working in a chlorine gas factory.
One day last week a serious explosion occurred at the plant causing the death of five men, but Davy had his rabbit foot with him and was unharmed. Glen Marshall had been transferred to the 39th Co. and expects to leave Camp Gordon, Ga.; he says they do not know where they are going, but have their overseas equipment and orders to send home all their extra belongings. Dr. J.F.Percy of Galesburg is home closing up his affairs in preparation for being ordered to France. He recently was promoted to the rank of major which shows the confidence the military have in him.
Fourteen cases of typhoid fever have been identified at Smithshire. The trouble is supposed to be caused by the water in some of the wells which now have been closed. In Burlington the Tri-State Fair Association is staging a championship automobile race under the sanction of the International Motor Contest association. $2,000 in prizes will be offered and the track will be put in best possible condition.
***OBITUARY-ANDREW G. McQUOWN: Andrew Graham McQuown whose death occurred at this home near Sandwich Ill. on July 10th was born Feb.1, 1859 on a farm four miles north of Stronghurst. In 1884 he married Miss Dora Richey at Kirkwood, Ill., and to them were born two children: Miles Russell and Frank Richey. About 13 years ago Mr. McQuown moved with his family to Sandwich where they have since made their home.
Up until a few months ago Mr. McQuown enjoyed good health. His death resulted from cancer, several tumors appearing and developing rapidly, baffling the skill of physicians in their efforts to check their progress.
Mr. McQuown is survived by his wife and two sons, two brothers-Orr of Red Oak, Iowa, and Harry R. of Canon City, Colo.; two sisters-Mrs. J.W.Wilson of Red Oak, Ia., and Miss Ella McQuown of Stronghurst and by numerous relatives. Funeral services were conducted at the home near Sandwich with burial in Oak Mound Cemetery.
***MRS. FRED MCKIM: Mrs. Dora Bell McKim, wife of Fred McKim of Lomax, died July 15th in the Burlington Hospital at the age of 44 years, 9 months and 18 days. The funeral was held at the Lomax Christian Church with burial in Terre Haute Cemetery.
Dora Bell Ritchie, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ritchie was born at Lomax Sept. 27, 1875 and for several years was the telephone operator in that village. Her health failed several years ago and she was forced to give up her work and with her husband moved to the farm. Besides the husband and parents who live in Carthage, she is survived by three brothers and two sisters.-LaHarpe Quill
***MRS. J. L. FORT: Mrs. J. L. Fort, who has been an invalid for a number of years and who has been in the Burlington Hospital for some time, passed away there. She had suffered so long that death must have come as a sweet relief. Funeral services were held at the Olena M.E.Church.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Will Ogden is building a residence on his farm south of town and will move out there and live in tall clover. Chauncey Hollingsworth of Camp Sheridan spent the week with home folks. Dr. R.W.Nairn of Zaneville, Ohio, conducted a series of revival meeting at the Stronghurst U. P.Church. The practical value of the motor truck in solving some of the problems which the farmers meet these days was demonstrated when T. C. Knutstrom by use of his new commercial truck delivering 120 hogs in one and a half days at the Stronghurst stock yards from the A.O.Wassom farm 7 miles southeast of the village. Mrs. W.W.Ross is reported as being quite ill at her home southwest of town. Mrs. Dan Shook who has been in poor health for a number of years underwent a surgical operation at a hospital in Burlington. Miss Lillian Pippin of Burlington visited at the Wm Hartquist home along with Misses Ellen Hartquist and Agnes Rodholm of Chicago. Miss Marjorie Thompson and her Sunday school class of girls numbering more than a dozen went to Dallas City for a few days outing on the river; they are quartered in a cottage on the island and report the prospect for a fine time.
The Willing Workers of the U.P.Church will give a tea in the park; a cordial invitation is given to all and the ladies are asked to bring thimbles and needles. Those in charge are Mrs. Arthur McKeown, Mrs. John McKeown, Mrs. W.N. Bainter, Mrs. M.E.Beardsley, Mrs. Charles Lukens, and Miss Harbison. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Painter returned from a trip through Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. The trip was one of which business and pleasure were combined as Mr. Painter is one of three men appointed to select 200 head of Hereford cattle for next winter's sale at Des Moines, Iowa.
Clifford Ingram of Terre Haute neighborhood is home from Camp Stanley, Texas on a 30 day furlough. The ladies of the local Allied Relief took their work to the village park where they enjoyed a picnic supper. Frank Crenshaw and Tom Morgan made a trip to Peoria in the former's new Buick car to see T.J.Hunter, who is taking the baths there; his condition is slightly improved. (Mineral baths were believed to be a great cure of all kinds of ailments.) C.R. Kaiser, I.F. Harter, E.R.Grandey and M.F.T.Schierbaum went to Springfield in the Kaiser's Packard car to attend the hearing by the Public Utilities Commission in the matter of the petition for 24 hour electric service for Stronghurst. Mrs. W.S. Pope and baby made preparation for moving their household goods to Berwyn, a town in the outskirts of Chicago where both Mr. and Mrs. Pope will teach during the coming year. J.M.Johnson, the Ford man, is making arrangement to give a plowing demonstration with the Fordson tractors; he hopes to be able to find a field close to the village.
SMITHSHIRE TYPHOID PROBLEM: Typhoid fever, which has been epidemic in this place seems to be somewhat abating and the source of the disease has been discovered or at least partly so as four of the wells of the town were found to contain typhoid germs. A member of the State Board of Health spent a day or so in the town and community and made such suggestions and recommendations as he judged proper and best for the arresting of the disease, and it is hoped that they may be put into effect at once as fourteen cases of typhoid in a little town like this is sufficient to cause some alarm. However, the cases taken to the hospital and the cases here in town are getting along very encouragingly. It is no secret, however, that there is a great deal of carelessness on the part of some of the town's folks about leaving places for breeding flies, which are known to be ideal purveyors of typhoid and other diseases. Then there are those who are somewhat indifferent as to the presence of flies in and about their homes and we feel assured that if they realized how such carelessness and thoughtlessness jeopardized the health of their families, they would be more careful. A little campaign concerning the peril and dangers of having flies about, etc. would not be out of order. (Typhoid will be a major problem for the hurricane victims in New Orleans today.)
CHASTISES THE TOWN: To the chagrin of the better element or more Christian inclined people of Smithshire, a baseball game was played here last Sunday afternoon-said to be played in the interests of the Red Cross in order to give it some semblance of respectability or rightful claim to patronage and tolerated on the part of law abiding citizens, and to somewhat palliate for the violation of the State law and the law of the Sabbath. However, the leopard cannot change its spots and we are not inclined to believe any aid to the Red Cross or any other kindred organization obtained at the expense of the violation of the laws of both God and man is ever necessary or beneficial and is positively condemned by the Word of God.
If we expect to win the war and in our endeavors to win it, court and expect the help of God (and we can't win it without His help, regardless of our heroic endeavors) we must respect His commandments and law. Thus while we are enthusiastic to help and encourage the Red Cross in its Christ like service, we do not hesitate to voice our sentiments against absolute wrong doing and evil practices under the pretext of assisting the organization. We believe the Christian peoples are justified in condemning such practices.-Rev. M.S.S. (My, my! How times have changed!)
SMITHSHIRE SMATTERINGS: Clarence Kilgore spent Sunday evening in Monmouth with his wife and sister-in-law at the hospital suffering from typhoid fever. He reports them improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Al McCartney called on their son who is at that hospital too; they report he is quite serious and they have hopes of his recovery. The brother of Mrs. O.E. Shontz has landed safely in France. Mr. and Mrs. "Jap" Dalton visited with relatives in Iowa making the trip in their automobile. Arthur Krohn of Paris Island, South Carolina, reports he is doing much practicing in shooting, drilling, swimming, bayoneting and about everything else that is handy to know for a marine. Mrs. M.S.Swisher has been suffering from a couple of ulcerated teeth, but is some better.