The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, August 1, 1918 

MORE NEWS ON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION: Twenty-four counties in Illinois are preparing for the one hundredth anniversary of the state's admission to the union. Mrs. A.W.Martin, head of the Henderson County committee, appeared before the Board of Supervisors at Oquawka and was able to secure $200 to help defray the expenses and assure sufficient funds with which to make Sept.5th a day that will be remembered with both pride and pleasure by the people of Henderson County. All surplus funds after expenses will go to the Red Cross.

Under present plans a refreshment booth is to be supplied and conducted by each township chairman of the Allied Relief work. Supplies will be solicited in each township and each chairman will decide what will be served. The orator for the day will be Hon. Frederick Voigt, a prominent Chicago lawyer and distinguished member of the Illinois Bar Association. The Orchard City Band of Burlington with 20 members will furnish music during the day. A grand chorus composed of one or more quartettes from each of the eleven townships plus a grand pageant featuring a number of tableaux illustrating historical events in the state is slated for entertainment. The promoters hope that every school in the county will be closed on that day so that children may attend and enjoy this replay of history.

An exhibition of antiquities and relics of past days, such as primitive farming implements and household utensils and anything else the harks back to forgotten eras, will be displayed. If you have such an relic, attach a card to it giving its history and send it to Mrs. Chas. Whiteman at Biggsville who is charge of that exhibit. It will be housed in a log cabin and a small admission fee will be charged. A booth will be fitted up and presided over by the Red Cross nurses who will accept contribution to the organization. Booster automobile parties are expecting to visit all parts of the county and some towns in other counties.

TRACTOR DEMONSTRATION: The Fordson Tractor Demostration given by J.M. Johnson, the local Ford man, at the A.R.Brooks farm attracted a large crowd of farmers. About 15 acres of oat stubble was plowed and put in condition for seeding to fall wheat. The plowing was done with 3 two bottom Oliver gang plows and these were followed by a tractor pulling tandem discs. The pulling power of the Fordson was amble when set at a depth of 10 inches without stalling the tractor. The ease with which the machine moved over the plowed ground, pulling the tandem discs also attracted much comment. Mr. Johnson took several orders for plowing and discing outfits from farmers witnessing the exhibition.

NATIVE OF ABINGDON FLIES HOME: Flying at the rate of almost a 100 miles per hour Lieut. George Bond, a native of the town and his companion, Lieut. R.F.Yarbough, arrived from Scott Field, St.Louis. The flying instructors received the heartiest welcome ever extended a visitor of the city. The president of the United States could not have been better received. Lieut. Bond was born and raised there and knows everyone in the city.

Business was suspended and the entire populace took points of vantage to see the machine and its passengers. Factory whistles blew and auto horns honked and the din was terrific. Lieut. Bond later said that he could not hear the noise on account of his motor.

After circling over the city, they aired out to the Bond farm four miles southeast of Abingdon where the machine was landed. The officers were taken into town where a sumptuous feed was served at the home of the lieutenant's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Bond.

In talking to a reporter, Lieut. Bond said, "We had a fine trip and did not make any stops. We flew at a height of about 2,000 feet coming up. I was sure glad to get home and we are certainly being treated royally."-Roseville Times Citizen

LOYALTY DAY, AUG.24TH: On this day between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. every man and woman 18 years old and over are expected to go to the school housein the district in which they reside and sign a Loyalty Card. At the same time they will give information concerning their financial standing that will enable the committee to make correct rating for the purpose of an equitable division of war burdens. -Executive Committee of the Henderson County War Service League.

DEATH OF MRS. ALVAH SHOOK: The sympathy of this community goes out to Alvah Shook over the loss last Sunday of his wife who passed away at the Monmouth Hospital where she had been hurriedly taken the day before in the hope of saving her life by an operation. She passed away, however, before the operation could be attempted.

Mrs. Shook, previous to her marriage a few years ago, was Lucy M. Meyer, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer of Oquawka. Funeral services were conducted at Oquawka after which interment was made in the Oquawka Cemetery.

1893 GRAPHIC: Special evangelistic services were being conducted in the Stronghurst Baptist Church by Rev. Thos. Dyall of Mt.Pleasant, Ia. Henry Adair had just graduated from the Gem City Business College and returned to his home near Biggsville. Messers. Ballard, Harter, G.A.Curry and Wm. Wilsher attended the Quincy races and saw their 3 year old colt, Fox Mont, win second money in a race. Chas. Hamilton resigned his position in the Harter Drugstore and went to Macomb. Miss Anna Penny married John D. Smith on Aug.2nd at the W.H.Penny home in Stronghurst. John Dalton leased the Rankin elevator at Media and secured the services of W.E.Drain to attend to the grain business.

NEWS OF THE COUNTY: BIGGSVILLE - Twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gibson Friday. Miss Agnes Glenn is on the sick list. Dr. A.C.Douglas returned from his vacation in Kansas. Mrs. Clyde Dixon pleasantly entertained the members of the Current Events Club in her home. Messers. James Cochran, John Bigger and Dr. A.C.Douglas are all driving new cars. What might have been a serious accident Saturday evening was narrowly averted when the car driven by John Bigger struck the side of a bridge south of town and dropped to the stream below, a distance of 8 or 9 feet. None of the occupants were seriously injured but the machine was badly damaged. (Was this before or after buying a new car?) Miss Jennie Pearson who has been working in the Q office in Galesburg returned to spend the remainder of her vacation in Biggsville. Another railroad accident occurred when seven cars on a west bound freight were derailed near the depot.

CARMAN: A.C.Babcook and family returned home from their overland trip to Missouri accompanied by Mrs. Babcook's mother, Mrs. G.W.Baxter. Misses Cheryl Babcook, Bertha Coen and Rhoda Marsden attended an afternoon gathering of young ladies at the Beverly Vaughn home near Lomax where the announcement was made of the coming marriage of Miss Faye Dowell and Mr. Urban Logan, which will take place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell the evening on Aug.1st. Mr. Willie Dannenburg is home on furlough from Florida.

GLADSTONE: Mrs. Fred Dutton entertained the Red Cross ladies after sewing with an afternoon tea at her home. Smith Morris is on furlough to see his baby daughter born last Wednesday. The band concert on Friday evening on the Main Street was attended by a large crowd. Charles Kemp purchased a new threshing machine and will be a busy man for some time to come.

OLENA: Mrs. Geo. Fort's condition is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyons entertained relatives and friends complimentary to their nephew, Melvin Schroeder who will leave for training camp. Mr. J.L.Fort and his chauffeur, Wilbur Davis, are out posting bills for a sale of personal property at the Fort home. It is reported that Mrs. Ollie Dalton has purchased the farm of Charles Fort, which is better known as the Swank farm. About 90 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of S.C.Lant to help Mrs. Lant celebrate her birthday. Ernest McKeown will return to his training camp at Newport News, Virginia. Dale, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Osia Reynolds, fell from a tree and broke both bones of his wrist. At a meeting at the church, it was decided that on account of the high cost of commodities, the annual Crapo Park in Burlington. Mr. Irve Burrell, who was overcome by heat, is quite improved, but says his head is giving him quite a little trouble. Word received from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Broken Bow, Nebr. stated that their daughter, Mrs. George Rowe, had undergone a surgical operation in the hospital at Aurora, Nebr and is slowly improving.

LOMAX: Considerable threshing is being done in the neighborhood. Some of the boys were called to the colors and reported to Oquawka. The village was improved by several concrete street crossing; these were badly needed and no doubt make a desirable improvement. Mr. Asmonson, who has opened his garage up in the Waggoner Building, seems to enjoy a nice business. Mr. John Paul of Fremont, Iowa, is spending a few days with friends and relatives; his health is fairly good for one of his advanced age.

AMONG THE SOLDIER BOYS: Phil Hamilton, who has been in camp in Louisiana is one of 50 men out of 30,000 to be sent to an officer's training camp at Louisville, Ky. His brother Ben is one of the best wireless telegraph men in the country and is chief of the government wireless station at Astoria, Oregon. The boys are nephews of H.H.Rankin and Mrs. A.S.McElhinney. Lyman Ross at Hampton Roads, Va. spied an item in the Graphic that told of his mother's illness. He took the paper to his captain and was promptly granted a furlough to come home for a week.

Paul and Hubert Jamison, nephews and cousins of the John Marshall family, left for New York in their car which they drove here from California. Hurbert expects to enlist in the army and Paul may decide to do likewise, in which case they will ship their car to their home in California. Misses Marion Barnett and Mary Hicks of Stronghurst and Hazel Stewart of Carman returned from a visit to soldier boys at Hot Springs, N.C.

The government has an internment camp there and the boys are helping guard the 2,300 Germans who are inmates. Those doing duty there are Ed Bowen, Homer Weddington, Will Voorhees, Chas. Hicks and Lee Stewart.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Willis Adams, son of Ira Adams of the country south of Stronghurst, and Miss Marie Mustain of the same neighborhood were married at Macomb at the home of the officiating clergyman, Elder F.M. Branic. Marie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and an attendant of the Fort school taught by Miss Emma Wright, has been awarded the Lindley scholarship for Stronghurst Township which entitles her to a four year course free in any of the Normal schools of the state. A.J.McConnell, the theological student who is supplying the pulpit of the LaPrairie, Ill. charge, will preach at the Stronghurst U.P. Church next Sabbath. The Henderson County Journal says that Medill McCormick was in Oquawka in the interests of his candidacy for the U.S. Senate and made a short address to several people who gathered in the court house yard. Congressman Edmund Foss, a candidate for U.S.Senate will be in the county and speak from an auto on the streets of Oquawka. As illustrating the value of limestone applied to some types of soil, an increase of 10 bushels of wheat per acre is reported in the yield from a field on the Wm. Wyatt farm near Lomax. John Voorhees left for Bloomfield, Ia., on a cattle buying trip.

For Sale: two milch cows; also limited number of Belgian hare rabbits-A.S.McElhinney, Stronghurst. The fine country home of Mrs. John Flatley, Jr. near Little York was totally destroyed by fire following the explosion of an oil stove. I.H. Brokaw and son Russell drove over to New London, Ia. to attend a big registered hog sale conducted by Hanks and Bishop, well known breeders. Pete Groom, who is now connected with the Safety Dept. of the Union Pacific R.R. with offices at Omaha, Neb., was visiting relatives and calling on old friends. Miss Mary Adaline Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, who live 3 miles east of Oquawka, died at the Mercy Hospital in Burlington following an operation for appendicitis. Miss Morris had been a successful teacher in the county schools for the past six years.

Mrs. J.H.Chambers of Claremore, Okla., has been a visitor at the home of her niece, Mrs. C.R.Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers sold their farm at Marshall, Mich. A few years ago and went to Oklahoma where they made a lucky strike in oil. Now they are moving back to their old home to live on easy street. The annual Knox County Fair has been called off this year. (War times dictated extreme measures.) Mrs. Flo Tillotson is seriously ill with typhoid fever at a Moline hospital. Miss Ida Davis is accompanying her uncle, Abe Davis of Kansas, who is tarrying in this locality. L.D.Graham of Gladstone has received the appointment as R.F.D. carrier from Stronghurst to succeed James Marshall who resigned. His aunt, Miss Josephine Graham is postmistress at Gladstone. Between thirty and forty ladies from various parts of the county attended a Red Cross Meeting where Mrs. Walter Stults of Oquawka, the supervisor of the surgical dressing division for the county, gave a talk on the work.

While turning the corner at the Harter drug store, the driver of a Ford auto smashed into a buggy standing at the hitch rack on the north side of Main St. overturning and partially demolishing the vehicle. Without stopping to ascertain what damage had been done by his reckless driving, the auto driver dashed out of town before anyone could secure his license number. The rig belonged to John Peasley and had been driven to town by a farm hand. Luckily, the horse which was attached to the buggy did not break loose and complete the demolition of the vehicle.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Ralph Stewart of Dutch row neighborhood is spending the week in Oklahoma. Mrs. William McIntyre and Mr. Dan Shook went to Burlington to see Mrs. Shook who is a patient at the hospital there. Mr. Charley Schroeder, Everett Pendarvis and the Misses Beulah Dowell and Gladys Rankin went to the LaHarpe races. Mrs. Kathyrn Malm, the Misses Florence Gram and Ura Jones and Mr. Eldin White attended the home talent play at Raritan. Mr. Alphonzo Beal returned home; he was rejected from military service on account of his physical condition. Although not a very large crowd attended the social on the Academy lawn serving ice cream and eats, a nice little sum was added to the comfort kit fund.