The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, Aug. 15, 1918
FOOTE KILLED IN FRANCE: A third Stronghurst boy has made the "supreme sacrifice" in the present great world struggle for human liberty. A cablegram addressed to Ira M. Foote informed him that Private Ernest Foote, Inf. was officially reported as killed in action July 15th. Ernest was one of three Stronghurst boys who were sent over to France with Co. I, the Burlington, Ia. Company which was made a part of the famous "Rainbow" division which has been in some of heaviest fighting . The three local boys who were included in the first overseas contingent were Corporal Joe Baxter and privates Harry Clark and Ernest Foote. Harry Clark met his death the first week of the drive which the Germans started on March 21st and it appears that Ernest gave up his life in the beginning of the counter offensive inaugurated a month ago at the Marne. The official communication, however, leaves no doubt that somewhere, perhaps in the vicinity of Chateau-Thierry, where the American troops were engaged in desperate fighting on the 15th of July, Ernest died in the defense of his country; another star in Stronghurst's service flag was changed to gold.
Ernest Foote, third child of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Foote, was born in Stronghurst Oct. 24, 1899 and died July 15, 1918, aged 18 years, 8 months and 21 days. His whole life previous to enlistment was spent in and about the village. In the spring of 1917 when only 17 years, he went to Burlington with a number of other young men from Henderson County and enlisted in Co I of the Iowa State Militia. This company was sent to Camp Dodge for training and then incorporated into the 163rd Reg. U.S.Infantry (Rainbow Division) and sent to France.
The bodies of three young men who but a few short years ago were children playing about the streets of this village now lie buried in the soil made sacred by the greatest outpouring of human blood for the cause of liberty the world has ever known. The bodies are those of Roy Foote, who was killed in action early in the war while fighting with a Canadian regiment; Harry Clark, killed in action March 21st; and Ernest Foote killed in action July 15th, 1918.
A SPECIAL VISITOR: While Dee Headen was busy about his duties as pumper at the Santa Fe Water station west of town, he was surprised to see a pigeon walk into the door of the engine room. When he approached it, he expected it to take fright and make its escape, but it did not. On the contrary it was disposed to be friendly and he picked it up. It had a metal clasp on one leg bearing the number 35. He soon discovered that one of its wings was disabled in such a manner that it was unable to fly. He took the bird to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.W.Hicks nearby and it was given food and water. It may be a difficult matter to locate its home, but if nature makes the proper repairs, it will no doubt be given its freedom and allowed to return to its accustomed haunts. It may have been winged by some hunter. No message was found and it is discretely mute on the nature of the service in which it was engaged.
LATER-The pigeon died yesterday and a post mortem showed that it had been shot through the body.
TRACTOR DEMONSTRATED: In an all day field exhibition given by George Dixson on the A.R.Brooks farm west of the village, the adaptability of the Titan farm tractor as a motive power for farm work was proved. Plowing with 3 bottom 14 inch. Deer Gang Plows, Tandem Discing, operating two 3 ft. binders with one tractor and pulling a manure spreader were the different classes of work demonstrated and the ease with which the work was accomplished was a revelation to those in attendance. . .Several tractors used were loaned by farmers in the vicinity. Mr. Dixson proved that it was not necessary to make a trip to Kansas to see a real tractor demonstration and the preparation he had made and the expense involved warranted a larger crowd than was present. The fact that a number of threshing outfits were in operation in the territory no doubt kept many farmers away.
1893 GRAPHIC: Gas from the Tinkham well had been piped into the owner's house and also into John Weir's home; both families were doing their cooking with the new fuel. Visions of a city of 10,000 inhabitants or more within a short time were being conjured up by many residents of the village. The destructive drought which had prevailed in this section since the latter part of June was broken by a glorious rain on Aug. 10th and a total failure of the corn crop was averted.
The county was all torn up over the discussion going on in Congress regarding the repeal of the purchasing clause in the Sherman Silver Law. Raritan was having a big Harvest Home celebration. The Stronghurst board appointed a committee to secure land near the town for a cemetery. At a joint meeting of the county commissioners and the road commissioners of District No.1 a new road was located leading north from the village through the lands of Wm. Wilsher for 160 rods, thence west 160 rods to the section line, thence north to the Olena road. The right of way through the Wilsher land was secured for $1,500. (Commonly known today as the Dump Road.)
BIGGSVILLE ANNUAL PICNIC: Biggsville's 8th Annual two-day Picnic opened this morning. The Orchard City band of Burlington is furnishing the music and will give a concert this evening. The speaker today will be Mayor Carlson of Moline and tomorrow's addresses will be given by J.W.Gordon of Oquawka and Representative J.M. Pace of Macomb. A grand parade will occur at 10:30 tomorrow and a ball game will be played at 4 pm.
RINGLING BROTHERS TO BE IN GALESBURG: Word comes that the mammoth circus is to exhibit afternoon and night in Galesburg on Aug. 31st. Always leaders in introducing the newest and greatest feature, the famous showmen announce the most remarkable program of their career. There is a brand new spectacle of gigantic proportions entitled "In Days of Old." produced on the biggest stage ever built, it tells the story of the golden age of Ivanhoe, Robin Hood and King Arthur. An entire trainload of scenery is carried. The cast numbers 1,250 actors and there is an entrancing ballet of 300 dancing girls.
A thousand arsenic sensations follow the spectacle on the main tent program. There are great troupes of seals, dogs and monkeys that walk on tight ropes and ride horseback; herds of elephants in all new tricks; international athletes in feats of amazing strength; slides for life from tent top to the ground by men suspended by the hair, and one-the great Hillary-who "jumps the gap" with skates attached to his head. The world's greatest stars, such as May Wirth, who leaps from the ground to galloping steed with baskets tied to her feet, are present in great number.
There are twice as many clowns as before, a menagerie of 1,000 splendid animals, and to introduced the holiday, an all new street parade three miles long. (Who could resist such an exotic program. Trains regularly stopped in Stronghurst and residents could easily ride to Galesburg to see this phenomena. )
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: James Porter was kicked in the stomach by a horse and when the doctor arrived, he directed that he be taken to Burlington Hospital. Mr. Porter was hurt quite severely but is thought to be better now. Charles Meyers was severely burned while starting a fire in the range cook stove. He put in some kerosene to start the fire and the stove blew up, burning him about the shoulders, head and face very badly. He was taken to the Burlington Hospital and is reported as getting along as well as could be expected after such an experience. Mr. and Mrs. Griffiths from Carman moved into D.B. Bryans house in the east part of town. Mrs. Griffiths is one of the high school teacher for the coming term. A little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bundy of Biggsville community.
LETTER FROM A NURSE IN FRANCE: (this letter was written by Blanch Duvall to her mother) I am really having a wonderful time. As yet our hospital is not ready and I am at an old chateau that is used for a convalescent home for officers and nurses. It is a wonderful old place built somewhere in the 16th century. Some very wealthy French people own it and have loaned it to the Red Cross. The family is all in the army, the woman herself is running a hospital somewhere near the war zone. I only wish I had the power to describe the place. The grounds are beautiful with tree statutes, etc. The house itself would hold all the people of Gladstone very comfortably. My room has a delightful canopied bed with a fireplace, large mirror, etc. Everything speaks of luxury and comfort and yet these people leave it all and go where they are needed. Food in France is very scarce and expensive; for instance, butter $1.40 per lb, but the Americans do no depend on France for food as it is all shipped across so when you are Hooverizing at home, you are really saving something for us. We have plenty to eat and are comfortable back here.
They say the place where our own hospital will be is almost like a desert, very bare of trees, etc., but once we are there and busy, I know we will be happy in the fact that we are of real value to our boys. We hear very little war news here; in fact, I don't know as much as where I was back in the states. Of course, the men who are patients tell some very interesting things and I guess it is only a question of time until Germany will be ready to quit. The girl from Monmouth is Miss Beard. She is a very nice girl and I was glad to get her letter; it was sent from New York and only a month old..Time goes so fast that I can hardly realize we have been here a whole month. We are not unhappy so you must not worry. Please write me often. Love Blanch.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. John Kennedy is improving the looks of her house by having it painted. Among the ones reported seriously wounded this week were Clark D. Holmes of Biggsville and Warren Pershin of Oquawka. Prof. A.E.Hubbard, the new principal of the high school, arrived from Avon and will occupy the Crofton property in the south part of town. Other events at the Biggsville Picnic will included a patriotic tableaux given by the Community Club of Biggsville and directed by the Misses Mame Thomson and Alma Pearson. The first day is Old Soldiers' Day and all old soldiers, wives and widows are expected to ride in the procession to the park directly after meeting the 10 o'clock train. They are also to be guests at the dinner served in the M.E.Church basement.
OLENA OBSERVATIONS: Mrs. Charles Heisler is very critically ill at her home east of the village. Mrs. Frank Holcomb of Montana and Miss Grace Kemp of Fairfield, Ia. were guests at the George Fort home. Mrs. Fort's condition is not greatly improved. John Fordyce reports a good rain in his locality and was well pleased with his new home and surroundings. Reeder, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Marsden, recently operated on at home for appendicitis, is getting along as well as could be expected. The services of a trained nurse have been dispensed with and the stitches removed, but he will need much care yet before a complete cure is assured. (It is hard to realize that complicated operations sometimes were performed on the kitchen tables.) Mrs. Bertha Dye of Olena was operated on for the removal of her tonsils and adenoids; she is doing quite well but weak; Mrs. Gibson is caring for her. H.S.Lant is building a new garage and implement shed, dimension 40 x 20. Several loads of melons from the sand farms west of the village have passed through here lately-mostly small ones and not well matured on account of the extreme heat.
Mr. Dobbin and complement of men have been threshing at the S.Claybaugh and Elbridge Fort homes while Grant White and help have been threshing at the Arthur McKeown, Leslie Lyon and Jesse Hicks homes. Recent word received by his parents from Fred Johnson lead them to believe that their son is now on the water for "somewhere in France." Relatives have received word that Norton Marshall has now made this third trip and returned to France and consequently is wearing a badge of honor.
LOYALTY DAY: Every reader of age 18 or over are to report in person to the school house in their respective district on Aug.24th and sign a Loyalty Card. No one can afford to ignore the summons which has gone out from the War Service League as to do so will be subject one's self to the odium of being proclaimed a "slacker." It should also be bore in mind that the full proof of loyalty will not be established by the mere signing of your name to the card. The real proof will be found in the honesty displayed in filling in the blank spaces on the card, particularly those having reference to the extent of your worldly possessions.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Another fine shower fell giving welcome relief from the fierce heat of last week. Ralph Simonson, Harold Butler, Dale Stine and James Marshall returned to Great Lakes after a home visit. Gasoline 23 cent s a gallon at Dixson's Standard Oil Service Station.(This was the war time price.) Rev. K.R.Anderson and his troop of Boy Scouts went to Dallas City for two days camping out at Willow Beach. Attorney E.L.Werts was making arrangement for the registration board to serve when the new draft law goes into effect. He estimates that it will call about 1,100 in Henderson County. Abe Davis, who is assisting with the farm work on the J.M.Fort estate farm west of town, received word that his 10 year old son Lester, who is in Kansas with his mother, had fallen from a farm wagon and sustained a broken leg as the result of a wheel of the wagon passing over the limb near the thigh. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardsley are spending the week at Kansas City with C.W.Beardsley and family.
Notice: I have three stalls in my barn for rent to pupils who expect to drive in from the country to attend the Stronghurst School this coming year-Mrs. CS. Apt (No big yellow bus was picking up students in 1918.) A.L.Negley is raising a crop of soy beans in one of his fields of corn and they are now about waist high. It is his first effort in that line and he says it looks like he would have beans enough to feed all the hogs in the country. The usual plan of feeding them is to turn the hogs in the field and let them harvest the crop when the corn and beans arrive at the proper stage of maturity. Word was received that Mrs. Flo Tillotson, who has been in the hospital ill from typhoid fever, has recovered sufficiently to return home. Residents of the village were startled Tuesday evening by a succession of reports from the vicinity of the park which suggested the presence of a nest of German machine guns. Investigations, however, revealed that the bombardment was the outcome of a declaration of war made by the dwellers in that section of the village against a large colony of blackbirds which persisted in roosting in the trees.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Ethel Schierbaum is home from Urbana after attending the summer tern at the Illinois University. Misses Rhoda Marsden of Carman and Opal and Ruth Wilson of Biggsville spent a week with their aunt, Mrs. James Mathers and family near Stronghurst. Towler Bros. of LaHarpe are the owners of a 2 year old filly named Denmore, who has broken the world's record for 2 year old on the half mile track. Wm.Daugherty and family motored from their home in Downs, Ill. by way of Galesburg to visit in the area. The elevator company at Downs of which Mr. Daugherty was a member, has disposed of their business so he is now looking for another business location.
A leak developed in the pipe line of the Prairie Oil and Gas Co. in Dallas City and oil was flowing in streams through the village streets. Citizens were given permission to help themselves to the oil and during the day many of them were busy bailing the fluid from the trenches which had been dug and transferring it to barrels, cans and receptacles of all sorts. Workmen succeeded in plugging the leak about 8 o'clock in the evening. The hole was said to have been the size of the knitting needle, but an immense amount of oil had been forced out by the 800 or more lbs. of pressure afforded by the big pump.
The power house on the inter-urban railway between Monmouth and Galesburg was burned at Cameron. Service was suspended only a day and a half, power having been secured from the Peoples' Traction Co. of Galesburg and the Public Service Co. of Monmouth.