The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, June 6, 1918
FIRE AT COURT HOUSE: The structure which does duty as the court house for Henderson County at Oquawka came near going up in smoke last Saturday evening when a blaze supposed to have originated from spontaneous combustion started in a closet underneath the stairway leading to the court room. The fire was discovered by Wesley Decker who gave the alarm. Nearby residents succeeded in extinguishing the blaze by the timely application of a few buckets of water.
SIXTEEN GRADUATE: Public exercises in connection with the graduation of sixteen Seniors from the Stronghurst High School were held in the Lyric Theatre the evening of May 31st. The class was composed of eleven young ladies and five young men: Audrey Rezner, Belle Negley, Charlotte Maxey, Margaret Lant, Edith Hartquist, Evelyn Fort, Ruth Foote, Agnes Dalton, Clara Smith, Juliette Wheeling, Mildred Slater, Gene Graham, Edwin Erickson, Roy Swanson, Emmett Cooper, Eugene Wilson.
The exercises opened with a harp solo by Miss Erma Kaiser followed by the invocation by Rev. A. Jaggers. The veil of the future of each class member was lifted by Miss Belle Negley, Prophetess. The class Poem was next read by Miss Evelyn Fort followed by a solo by Miss Alice Wax of the class of "19. The class Will was read by Miss Ruth Foote. Prof. Pope introduced the speaker of the evening, Prof. R.E.Curtis of Knox College. Following this the graduates sang their class song and were presented with diplomas by Prof. Pope. The exercises were closed by a benediction by Rev. W.P.Anderson.
LETTER FROM ROLAND DAVIDSON FROM CAMP GORDON: "Henderson County is well represented here and "well" is the proper word; for there were 19 men turned down during the physical examination in our company alone and but one of the 19 was from our county. John Goempler of Oquawka was the unlucky man. "Chuck" Fort has been transferred to the 42nd Co. Which is but 50 yards from here and we see him quite often. Chas. Heisler, Glenn Marshall, Bertie Russler, Geo. Matzka, Will Weddington and myself all bunk in the same barracks while right near me are two men whom I knew at Knox.
Yes, we work some-in fact quite a bit. They had to issue me my shoes today as I was about to have a puncture. You see the rocks are hard on tired feet. The boys and I think, myself as well, are standing the drill and grind pretty well. Each man is supposed to serve a week in the kitchen, the pans, dodging the cook, scrubbing the floors and washing the dishes. This done while he is resting from a march and works out very fine for everyone but the K.P. (Kitchen police) themselves.
Of course, with my usual good luck, I drew the first week, but there is some consolation in the fact that we are under quarantine for two weeks and can't leave our prescribed area. We are allowed from Saturday noon to Monday morning off duty if we are in good standing and since we are under quarantine, I would rather serve in the kitchen than at any other time. I must have made a hit with the cook, for he wants to sign up as one of his assistant; but I told him he was talking treason and that the Kaiser would want nothing better than to have Van Hindenberg at the front with his army and me in the rear doing the cooking because we would go about 50-50 on the American casualties.
We have three ambitions in life now: one to become good soldiers; one to go to France; and one to go to Atlanta. We came through Atlanta in the night on our way here passing through Nashville and Chattanooga and by Lookout Mountain and old battlefields of Chickamaugua and Missionary Ridge. (All these places would have had personal connections to local people whose parents would have fought there.)
Of course, we would all like to get home, but I don't believe Stronghurst has a man here who would voluntarily give up the career just started and go back to stay. We are all "rarin" to go across and help finish it. The discipline here is very severe; for instance, I bathe every day and you can get an idea from that how much of a hold the officers have any old route.
Of course, we will soon be sorted out and placed at our respectivetrades. I don't know what they will do with regard to my trade, for they do not allow them to sling very much of that around here(gossip); but anyway, they weed us out and build us up and finally we have the Kaiser licked. It is real simple when you come to think about it; but doing it-that's different. There is no limit to the mail we can receive so everybody write to the bunch. We all read each others mail. Yours Respectfully, R.R.Davidson, 43rd Co.4th Rep.Reg Camp Gordon, Ga.
CONSERVATION LUNCH: The ladies of the Stronghurst Community Woman's Club served a Conservation lunch at the club rooms to members and invited guests. The suggestion was made that Hoover (Herbert Hoover) had he been there might have viewed the festive board with some evidence of disfavor; (had too much food of too many varieties during war time rationing and conservation) but it seemed to be the consensus of opinion that if it was his usual time for alleviating the pangs of hunger, he would have yielded as readily as those who were present to the enticement of the substantial viands and delicacies which the ladies provided.
***OBITUARY***MRS. CHARLES DILE-Miss Grace Evans, daughter of Commodore and Lavina Evans, was born in Gladstone March 15, 1854 and passed away at the Burlington Hospital May 20, 1918, aged 34 years, 2 months, and 5 days. She was united in marriage in 1902 to Charles Dile and they were the parents of two children: Everett, now aged 13, and Glenn, aged 6. These with her husband, her mother and father, eight sisters and two brothers besides numerous other relatives and friends are left to mourn. The deceased seemed so willing the Lord should take her believing in his Word until the end.
CASUALTY OF WAR: Mrs. W.J.Clark received a letter of sympathy from the chaplain of the regiment to which her son Harry belonged and also one from Corporal Joe Baxter: "Dear Mrs. Clark: Long, long before you received this letter, you have been notified of the death of your son, Harry J. Clark, Co.I 168 Inf. He was killed in action March 22, 1918. I could not but express my sympathy in these few lines for the loss of your dear son. Harry was liked by all those who knew him. He was a good chap and many of the regiment mourn his death.
He gave his life as all good soldiers do with his face toward the enemy. We buried him in a little cemetery located on a hill overlooking a pretty valley. When the day of resurrection dawns, he shall be called forth to life and immortality and these unbroken friendships renewed. If there is anything I can do, just write me and I shall be only too glad to serve you. Sincerely, Winfred E. Roth (Letter from Corp. Baxter expresses much the same thoughts and assures his mother that he was laid away with military honors "somewhere in France.")
1893 GRAPHIC: The editor was lamenting the fact that with thousands of dollars invested in handsome church buildings and with two resident ministers of more than usual ability and earnestness, the average aggregate attendance at Sabbath services in the village was extremely low as compared with the total population.
The death of Gideon Sage was occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tweed in Gladstone on June 4th. He was 96 years of age and the father of 14 children. Lafe Simpson completed the erection of a new dwelling house in Stronghurst and moved into it with his family.
J.B.Tull had begun work on a residence in the village. An organization of farmers of the Carman neighborhood and Burlington business men called the Spring Lake Club, had been formed for the purpose of creating and maintaining a game preserve of 6000 acres. The Burlington men admitted their stocking the preserves with Chinese Pheasants and California quail. The Graphic editor had returned from a visit at the World's Fair in Chicago and gave an description of some of the marvels of the exposition.
***OBITUARY***EDGAR V. BOOTEN: Edgar, the youngest son of William and Lutisha Booten, was born in Decorra, Ill., April 29, 1895 and passed away at his home in Olena June 1, 1918, aged 23 years, 1month and 3 days.
Several years ago Edgar yielded himself to the call of the Holy Spirit, connected with the Olena M.E.Church and although he had sometimes wandered from the paths of duty, he had during his last illness again entrusted himself to the care of his Heavenly Father...Deceased is survived by his mother, Mrs. Lutisha Booten of Olena, five brothers: John V.Booten of Dallas City; Loren C. Of Olena; three sisters, Mrs. Della Burrell, Mrs. Nora Hicks and Miss Goldie Booten, all of Olena. Funeral services were held at the M.E.Church.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Emmett Cooper accompanied his father back to Crandon, Wis. Nat Bruen left for Nanton, Alberta, to look after farming interests. A marriage license was issued to Frank A. Smith and Miss Fern Wilson, both of the Raritan neighborhood. George Peasley has enlisted in the navy and went to the training station at Great Lakes, Ill. The army casualty list listed the name of Lieut. R.M. Noble of Galesburg as missing in action. Mr. Jasper Logan, a Civil War veteran, attended the local Memorial Day Services . Sergeant Andrews of the Scottish South
African Expeditionary Forces in France, gave an interesting talk on the war at the M.E.Church last Sunday evening. He had been in several of the big battles of the war and had been thrice wounded. Prepare yourselves with smoked glasses in order to view the solar eclipse, which is staged for Saturday afternoon at 6:30; only nine tenths of the sun's disc will be covered here.
Miss Hazel Kirby has accepted a position as teacher in the Raritan schools for the coming year. Miss Edna Dobbs has accepted a position as clerk at the A.E.Jones grocery store.
Miss Omah Lukens of Media is assisting with the work in the G.W.Worley drug store. Phillip Mains has almost entirely recovered from the injuries received in an automobile accident a month ago and began work for the Santa Fe as a helper at the station. A couple of men from Mendota were down to buy Hereford cattle from Newt Vaughn and Frank Johnson.
Erlin Lant and wife left for their new home at Portageville, Mo., where they have bought a 120 acre farm and got immediate possession. Their household goods were shipped from Gladstone. Mr. and Mrs. James Hicks left for Annapolis, Md., to be present at the graduation of their son, Rex, from the naval academy.
Rex expects to be given the privilege of entering immediately into active service and has expressed his desire for duty on board a U-boat destroyer. Elmer Negley shipped three fine three and a half month old big type Poland China gilts to the chairman of the county pig club at Stonington, Ill. The average weight per pig was about 83 1/3 lbs gaining 60 cents per pound for Elmer.
During a thunder storm at Dallas City the house occupied by H.L.Doty was struck by lightning and slightly damaged. Miss Katie Wheeling and Miss Hazel Dodds report on their return from Fort Morgan, Ala. that the soldier boys all are in good health and spirits and mighty glad to see some familiar faces from Illinois. A motor car in which were three or four officials of the Santa Fe, passed through here.
The car is built after the plan of an automobile but is equipped with wheels that run on the rails. Shore Hollingsworth returned from Topeka where he consulted a Santa Fe surgeon regarding an affliction of his hip. An x-ray examination showed that the bone was in good condition and the physician decided that he was having trouble with his sciatic nerve.
AREA HAPPENINGS: LOMAX- Clarence Clark and Carl Wyatt of Douglass, Wyoming, returned home before enlisting in the Marines. Raus Goodman and Lloyd Mohr were called to the colors and sent to Ft. Thomas, Ky. W.Q.Crane, postmaster, has received his authorization that his post office will remain in second class and his salary fixed at $2,200. This is something for Lomax as it leads all other offices of the county and also carries a Civil Service Board. A benefit for the Red Cross will be held at the Christian Church.
GLADSTONE-George Rhoads was home from Fort Sill, Oklahoma visiting his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Henry Rhoads. Quite a crowd went to the depot Friday afternoon to see the boys off who came down from Oquawka and went East. There were 30 of the boys going to some camp in the South land to train for service in France.
The school board has employed the following teachers for the coming year: Mrs. Griffiths of Carman, who will move here soon and teach the grammar room; Miss Omah Lukens of Media to teach the intermediate room; and Mrs. Lena Pence as the primary teacher. The principal is to yet to be employed. Lynn Galbraith has just completed a visit with his parents and is returning to Camp Dodge; he says his regiment is equipped and packed ready to go somewhere soon.
CARMAN-Mrs. Willis Dowell and son and daughter and Dewey Shaw motored to Gregory, Mo. for a visit with her daughter Mrs. Frank Holford and family. Miss Rhoda Marsden left for Decorra where she has accepted a position as clerk in Mr. Otto Hildebrand's grocery store. Arlie McCannon left for Alabama and the service.
BIGGSVILLE-The death of Mrs. Rachel Campbell who was taken suddenly ill occurred at her home in Biggsville. Funeral services were held in the home with burial in Walnut Grove Cemetery. The service flag presented to the High School by the class of 1918 was dedicated following the play.
The flag contains 29 stars in honor of the following: George Bigger, Kenneth Gordon, Lou Henderson, Earl Cowden, Louie Dixson, Richard Crofton, Paul Henderson, Preston Plummer, John Millen, Raymond Ralston, Carl Woodard, Lynn Jamison, John Midkiff, Albert Mears, Wilbur McVey, Alvah Sloan, Fred Tadlock, Dean Whiteman, Ray Whiteman, Roy Whiteman, Roy Weir, Ernest Watson, Robt. McLaughlin, Robt. Midkiff, C.C.Sims, Earl Bullman, Clayton Plummer, Thos. Watson, and John McVey.
The public school here is a 100 per cent organization, every pupil being interested. The following work was done by the pupils: Red Cross gun wipes-6000, Handkerchiefs-15, knitted wash cloths-12, tray cloths-2, mouth wipes-1000, and Belgian blankets knitted-2. The pupils have also invested in Liberty bonds-12; W.S.S.-40 and Thrift Stamps-159.