The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, June 20, 1918
THE FATAL KICK: Frank Graves, who has been employed by Ed Simpson here for several years in looking after his road horses, died last Friday evening at the A.J.Davis home west of the village from injuries sustained about 24 hours previously when he was kicked in the stomach by a mule which he was unharnessing
He had been plowing corn for Mr. Davis with a team of mules and had quit for the day and put the team in the stable. After removing the harness from one of the mules and hanging them up, he returned to remove the collar. As he approached the animal, it suddenly struck him with one hind foot, the blow landing full on Graves' stomach knocking him to the ground.
He was not rendered unconscious by the blow and was able to get from the stable to the yard outside where he lay down in the shade thinking that he would soon recover. It was soon found, however, that his injuries were of a serious nature and medical aid was summoned.
The patient was taken into the house and made as comfortable as possible. Rapidly, he grew worse and Dr. Bond decided that there had been internal injuries and that an operation offered the only chance of saving the patient's life.
Dr. Findley of Galesburg was summoned and on Friday evening an operation for a ruptured intestine was performed. The weakened condition of the patient, however, prevented his rallying and he passed away that evening.
The deceased was 60 years of age and unmarried. He was born at Keosauqua, Iowa and later made his home at Milton, Iowa. About 25 years ago he came to Henderson County and for a number of years worked on various farms. During the last 10 years he has made his home in Stronghurst where he had most of the time been employed in caring for Mr. Simpson's driving horses.
Early this spring he suffered an attack of bladder trouble and had only lately returned from a stay of 11 weeks in a Galesburg Hospital where he under went an operation.
The remains were shipped to Milton, Iowa where funeral services were held and interment made. He was usually well read on many topics and was respected by his associates. He is survived by two brothers and two sisters: Horace Graves of Denver, Colo.; George Graves of Frankfort,
Mo.; Mrs. Mary Rice of Corydon, Ia. and Mrs. Ellen Kettle of Eldon, Iowa.
TRAGEDY AT WILLIAMSFIELD: Three boys are dead and five or six others suffering from more or less serious injured as the result of a shocking accident which occurred near Williamsfield, Ill. The dead are Willie Scott, OttoTucker and Irvine Guard; the injured are Ray Gibson, James Andrews, Tom O'Brian, Claude Witt and Charles Burg, son of Mrs. Carried Burg of this place; he recently accepted a position as second trick operator at the Santa Fe station in Williamsfield.
The boys were members of a party of 13, who had gone from Williamsfield in an auto truck for a days outing at what is known as Tucker's swimming hole. On their return in the evening, the truck was struck by a Santa Fe work train on a crossing just outside of town. One of the party, Willie
Scott, was killed outright; Otto Tucker, who had both legs severed from his body and Irvine Guard whose skull was fractured, both died at St. Mary's Hospital in Galesburg soon after the accident. Ray Gibson was badly cut about the head and had two fingers of his right hand cut off; James Andrews had his right leg cut off and also suffered scalp wounds; Claude Witt, Tim O'Brian and Chas.
Burg received scalp wounds and numerous cuts and bruises. Ray Gibson, the driver of the auto truck, claims that there was no warning given of the approach of the work train before the crash came and his testimony was born out by the other members of the party who were able to attend the inquest.
The injuries received by Charles Burg were mostly about the head and included a very severe gash behind one ear. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and remained in that state for about 36 hours. His mother who has spent considerable time with him at St. Mary's Hospital says reports he is recovering rapidly.
WAR SAVINGS DAY: June 28th had been named by President Wilson and various state governors as National War Savings Day.
The proclamation imposes upon every person who is a tax payer or wage earner the obligation to go to the school house in their district and make subscriptions for War Savings Stamps. This call is based on the assumption that every tax payer or wage earner is able to lay aside some definite amount, however small, to be used in the purchase of War Savings Stamps, which in reality are Government Bonds of small denomination and will represent money loaned to the Government.
The quota for district No.30 which includes the entire village of Stronghurst is $11,535.00 and officials have been advised that the meeting on June 28th 2:00 p.m. at the school house should not be dismissed until this amount or more has been subscribed. The amount represented by previous stamp purchased or pledged will be credited.
1893 GRAPHIC: Ed Allison had been selected as cashier of the new State Bank of Henderson County succeeding J.W. McKee who resigned. Brick walks were being advocated to replace boards as a village improvement. The village school board re-elected Prof. W.C.Ivins, Miss Flo Spangler and, Miss Bessie Graham as instructors for another year.
Judge Wm.C.Rice, a resident of Henderson County since 1835 and closely identified with its development, left to make his home with his son Cyrus Rice in Chicago. Henderson County had just been put into a new Congressional District composed of Adams, Brown, Hancock, Henderson, McDonough, Schuyler and Warren Counties.
SHIPPED CAR OF WOOL: Acting under the advice and with the assistance of County Farm Advisor Miner, about 45 farmers of Henderson County shipped their season's clipping of wool to Chicago under a pooling arrangement designed to insure the highest net returns for their crop. The Government now set the price on wool and it is all consigned to the approved Government agents located at various centers throughout the U.S. The car was consigned under Mr. Miner's name from the Stronghurst station to Chicago and contained 19,295 lbs. of wool. The price paid varies according to the quality of the product, but it is expected that most of it will be bought at around 60 cents per pound. At that price the Stronghurst shipment would bring nearly $12,000.
LOCAL TRAFFIC PROBLEM: It is a matter of considerable comment that a greater disregard is shown for the regulations governing traffic in the village by our own citizens than by strangers. This is especially true in regard to running autos at night without lights and in the matter of keeping to the right of the traffic posts at the two street intersections where these posts are located. It ought not be necessary to suggest that regulations imposed by the state and village in regard to automobile traffic applies to everyone alike; but even to the casual observer, it would appear that many of our home people imagine that they are intended only for strangers who may be passing through.
The congested condition of our main business street on some evening makes it imperative that the regulations regarding speed, lights, parking of cars, stopping cars at curbs, etc. be observed and the citizens of the village and community should be the first rather than the last to observe them. Offense is sometimes taken by locals when they are warned in a friendly manner by the village marshal to be more careful; he is, however, expected and required by the village to see that the rules are obeyed and has no right to make distinctions in favor of anyone. To show peevishness or resentment over being called for violation of the traffic ordinances is to acknowledge being unworthy of the name of a loyal and law abiding citizen. (This certainly applies today as well as back then!)
LETTER FROM DR. MARSHALL: "I am doing about 100 x-ray plates a day taking them in about 3 hours in the forenoon so you know how busy I am. I am second chief of the staff here. It's a fight between my superior and me to see which one gets orders for overseas and if I am left here will be made head of the department.
We do all our reading of the plates at night, takes until midnight sometimes to get our work finished. We have a clinic every day from 2-4 pm. The surgical and medicine men give their clinical diagnosis but final diagnosis is put up to the reontgenologist (radiologist?) and if our findings are different from theirs, ours are substantiated by the surgical and medical chief. It is a very interesting and wonderful schooling among the best of men in all branches.-Capt. H.L.Marshall, M.R.C.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: L.Coleman and family have gone to Burlington, Ia., where they will occupy rooms while Mr. Coleman takes treatment from a specialist for the removal of the tumor from his neck which has become a source of grave danger to his life. The stock cattle sale held at Stronghurst by Turkington & Dean was well attended and the cattle brought fair prices. Strong demand for grass cattle and judicious advertising brought out some of the best cattle men in the community.
Frank Gustafson took four cars of stock to Chicago. Stine and Simonson sent three. Francis Jaggers, who has been attending school at Abingdon, attended a Y.M.C.A. conference at Lake Geneva, Wis. L. Odegard wishes to announce that he has about recovered from his recent injury and is again prepared to do tailoring, cleaning and pressing at his shop on Broadway, one door south of the Stronghurst Feed Mill.
Last Sunday was one of the hottest June days this locality has experience in many years with the mercury rising above the century mark. Vegetation wilted and withered under the scorching rays from the sun and much concern was expressed regarding the effect on growing crops. Miss Mabel Jones returned home from Oxford, Ohio where she was attending school. Harry Ross got one of his feet pretty badly injured by a horse falling with him and has been obliged to use crutches to aid him in getting about. Lieut. Rex Hicks completed his furlough and left for New York where he will enter U.S.Navy service . Rex ranked 5th in a class of nearly 200 and finished a 4 year course in 3 years.
The Lutheran congregation of Stronghurst will hold a mid summer social on the lawn of the Frank Gustafson home south of the village; a program will be rendered and refreshment served; everybody will be welcome. Wallace Vance, who is taking his annual vacation, is putting in part the time working on a Will Stine's farm. Wallace is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vance, former well-known residents of the community, but who now live on their farm at Vance, N.D., a town named in their honor and located on their farm. Wallace is a railroad man and has been running out of St. Paul.
Four or five troop trains bearing soldiers from western training camps passed through here. Gale Sullivan, one of the operators at the railway station, has been laying off for a few days on account of getting a couple of fingers mashed in the cogs of a speeder. Adolph Sweeney, one of the brakemen on the westbound local freight was badly hurt at Pontoosuc when the iron bar of a refrigerator car door was dropped and struck him on the head. He was so badly injured that he was unconscious for nearly an hour. He was taken to the Santa Fe Hospital at Ft.Madison.
Correction: Frank Murphy was not laid up by jamming his leg between two hogs. Frank thinks the item was calculated to work a gross injustice on the aristocratic Porcine family so the papers hastens to explain that it was logs.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Word was received of the death of Mr. Marvin McKim at his home near Dallas City. Mr. Willard Crose, wife and baby have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Marsden; they left today for their home in Weona, Ark., making the trip in their Case car going by way of St.Louis and from there taking the Lincoln Trail. If nothing happens, they expect to make the trip in 3 days. Thayer Williamson was called to the colors and left Oquawka for Kansas City to attend Ray's automobile school. From Lomax comes sad news of Irvin Guard, former operator at the Santa Fe depot. He was serious hurt while riding on a truck which was struck by a switch engine and died at the Galesburg hospital. Mrs. Guard is the former Miss Dona Mower; they were living in Williamsfield at the time of the accident.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Mrs. George Garrett entertained the Current Events Club at her home south of town. The members of the Community Club are sewing in the parlors of the United Presbyterian Church. Several girls under the direction of Miss Nancy Hutchinson began sewing for the French orphans. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stotts at their home north of town. The practice of allowing chickens to run at large has become such a nuisance that it was necessary for the town board to pass a prohibitory ordinance. The streets of the village were treated to a liberal supply of oil. The Red Cross sale will be held June 22nd; a parade has been planned to include autos as well as horse back riders. A number of the young ladies have consented to take part in the parade and it is expected to be one of the features of the day.
The marriage of Sergeant G.M.Reifschneider, son of Chas. Reifschnieder to Miss Allie June Tomasek occurred April 28th at Douglas, Ariz.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kemp of Gladstone, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kemp from near Fort Madison, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson of Burlington motored to Floris, Iowa with a fine picnic dinner to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and family. Bud and Charles Kemp are brothers to Mrs. Mills and also Mrs. Watson is a sister to her. They went to have a good time and were well prepared for it. It will be a day well remembered by the two brothers and two sisters. Word was received that Thomas Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson, arrived safely in France. Mr. W.M. Galbraith and son Robert shipped a car load of hogs to Chicago.
A band concert was held on the street at the band stand Friday evening; the band boys from Oquawka came down to help the local group. The Red Cross ladies are going to take up surgical dressing and will meet at the school house. Mrs. Ross Stults from Oquawka will come to instruct them on how to do the work. The band boys from here went to Oquawka to help that group with a concert; there are so few of the boys left that it takes both bands to make one now.