The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, April 18, 1918
***OBITUARY***FRANK E.YALEY: Frank E. Yaley died suddenly at his home in Burlington Monday morning. He had been ill during the week but felt better later and made a trip to Des Moines to look after business. Sunday evening he suffered a stroke of apoplexy and remained unconscious until the end came Sunday morning. (Did he die on Monday or Sunday?-this article says both.) His brother Bert of Stronghurst was informed of his condition and he drove to Burlington reaching his bedside about an hour before he passed away. Frank had been in poor health for several years and was obliged to give up his work as a traveling salesman. He had been successful in business and accumulated an ample fortune so his last days were spent in comparative comfort.
Mr. Yaley was the son of Mr. and Mrs. G.W.Yaley of Stronghurst and was born in Burlington, Iowa, May 18, 1873. When quite young he went with his parents to Kansas; they came back in 1890 and located in Henderson County. About 19 years ago he married Miss Laura Summers, whose home was south of Stronghurst. They lived several years in Stronghurst where for a time Mr. Yaley was associated with J.W.Shawgo in the real estate business and later in the implement business. About thirteen years ago they moved to Burlington and Mr. Yaley spent several years as a traveling salesman. Mr. Yaley is survived by his wife, his parents, his brother Bert of Stronghurst and a sister in Idaho. The funeral was held at the home.
***OBITUARY***THURMAN STEFFEY: Although in poor health for more than a year, Mr. Steffey had been able to look after his work and the hope was born that he would live to see many more years of usefulness. His trouble was Bright's disease of the kidneys and that fact kept his family and friends from becoming overly sanguine of his recovery. Medical aid had kept him up so most of the time he could look after his building contracts.
On Monday he had a severe chill and went home too ill to work. His condition gradually grew worse when he became unconscious and remained so until his death. Thurman Dixon Steffey was born at Basco, Ill., May 2, 1868 and grew to manhood there. He came to Stronghurst when 24 years old and on Dec. 30, 1898 he married Miss Mary Emily Perry of Chamberburg, Mo. Five children were born to them: Phyllis Aileen, Thelma Irene, Robert Allen, and Thurman Dixon. A baby Jack died in February 1917. He is also survived by one brother, A.J.Steffey of Joliet, Ill. and two sisters: Mrs. Emma Filkins of Colorado and Mrs. Naomi Mouning of Wichita, Kan. The deceased was a cousin of Douglas Steffey of Stronghurst.
Ever since coming to Stronghurst Mr. Steffey had engaged in carpenter work and in recent years he had become one of the best known contractors of this section. He was a member of the Masonic order and the Modern Woodmen...Funeral services were conducted at the residence and out of respect to the memory of the deceased, the business houses in town were closed during the hour of the funeral.
SCHOOL CHILDREN PARADE: The Stronghurst school is arranging for a street parade and patriotic demonstration in the interest of the 3rd Liberty Loan. The youngsters are exhibiting much enthusiasm over the affair and the parade promises to be a spectacle well worth seeing. The parade will start at the school house at 3 o'clock and proceed through the principal streets ending at the public park where a patriotic program will be rendered.
VILLAGE ELECTION: Only a mild interest was shown by voters of the village with 127 men and 84 women exercising the right to participate in choosing the elected officials. Those winning offices were W.R.Dobbin, G.B. Lanphere and G.C. Rehling for trustee and Elzie Gilliland for clerk.
Stronghurst Graphic, April 18, 1918
LOCAL NOTES: Miss Edna E. Salter, sister of S.D.Salter, was called to report to Chicago for Red Cross nursing. She will be in Unit#11 for six weeks and then shipped overseas. The class taking a course in making surgical dressings have completed their term and turned out a total of 867 pieces. At the depot V.P.Hopkins, who has acted as agent since the departure of James Flatley, has gone home to enter the army. C.L. Hiatt of Media come here and is replaced there by L. Steele. George Stevenson comes from Dallas City to become one of the operators, succeeding Fred Johnson, who left for Fort Morgan, Ala. Shore Hollingsworth and Ralph Thomas with Charles Berg as helper complete the list of employees.
1893 GRAPHIC: The citizens of Media were rejoicing over the prospect of a brickyard being established there within a short time. Mrs. Margaret Clark died at her home in Stronghurst on April17th at the age of 56 years. Mrs. Elizabeth Rankin, an old resident of the Walnut Grove neighborhood, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Haygood at Emerson, Iowa, on April 17th., aged 85 years. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kaiser were reported as proud parents of a fine fat boy who made his appearance on April 19th. The wheat crop in this section was reported as almost a total failure. The vote incorporating the village of Stronghurst taken on April 11 was unanimous, but on account of irregularities another election had been called for May 6th. W.E.Salter was building an addition to his grocery store. Mrs. Cooksie and Mrs. Thomas were enlarging their houses, the McQuown sister had a residence near completion, G.H. Morey and John Bennington were building new houses and the foundations for the new Odd Fellows building and T.J.Hunter'sFurniture store were completed.
AREA AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS: Miss Erma Kaiser will begin her duties as clerk at the State Bank. Several Stronghurst people are attending the Masonic meeting and taking degrees at Peoria: Frank Crenshaw, Fred Gray, Hollis Links, Tate Johnson, Glenn Marshall, Guy Lanphere, Tom Dodds, Chas. Heisler, Jr., Charles Kaiser and Dr. W.H.Wells. J.H. Miner and R.N.Clark went to Peoria to attend the meeting of the State Board of Agriculture.
W.T.Weir, proprietor of Oak Grove fruit farm, stated that the past winter had played havoc among his black(unreadable), raspberry canes, especially the older ones and that he had grubbed out one patch of four acres. In regard to peaches, he thought it was useless to expect anything in that line; for when the mercury drops to 20 or more below zero, it is hardly worth while to examine the peach buds in the spring. He thought the outlook for apples still good and altogether it may prove a year of average production, but it is a little early yet to reach a definite conclusion.Miss Irene Chinn of Clarence, Mo. has been employed as stenographer in the office of farm advisor J.H. Minor. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall have received word that their son William had safely arrived on French soil. Some of the boys in town got busy and purchased gloves and baseballs and sent them to the Stronghurst soldiers at Fort Morgan so in their spare hours they can indulge in the national sport. A Canadian troop train with 18 coaches and two engines passed through here east for the battle front in France. The men had been at a winter training camp in Texas and were going to Montreal to embark; they were in the aviation service. (Fly boys were part of the army in 1918.)
Miss Flossie Melvin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Melvin of the country south of Stronghurst, was struck and run over in a LaHarpe street by an automobile driven by Mrs. John Hedges. Her injuries consisted of a number of bad bruises and an injured knee cap. Verne Ray, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ray, living near Roseville, was run over by an automobile in that village and so badly injured that he died a few minutes later. The car which struck the lad was owned and driven by W.B.Callister and was running at a rate of not more than five miles an hour when the accident occurred, the boy stepping directly in front of the car-in his confusion, following a warning from his father who was with him.
It is reported that Silas Dowell has purchased the Stevenson property. Ed Bowen had his auto badly damaged in a collision with another down in Terre Haute country. Mrs. A.D.Griffits and son Wayne of Carman were guests at the M.E.Beardsley home. Elwin Montroy, who is employed by Andrew Davis, was injured while grinding a hedge knife which was thrown out of his hand and in some way striking him on the wrist. The wound required the services of a physician. Bert Moore has contracted to build a barn for Bert Johnson and a tenant house for John Peasley. A.A.Lawton has moved here from Dallas City and opened a shoe repairing and shine shop on Mary Street. While in southeast Missouri, Erlin Lant purchased a quarter section of land and expects to make it his home. Theodore Knutstrom left for Flint, Mich. to bring home a couple of automobiles sold last week; John Marshall left on No.8 to drive back one of them.L. Burgess, manager of a a large ranch at Canon, Texas, arrived here for the purpose of buying Hereford bulls for the ranch. He was met at the train by Ralph Painter, who would help him make his selections from the various herds in the county. Fred Bowen and family, who spent the winter at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bowen at Winfield, Kans., and then returned home in Monmouth. Fred's health was so seriously impaired when he left Monmouth in December that he was obliged to take a rest from work. He underwent an operation at a Winfield hospital where it was learned that his trouble was caused by some adhesions in the abdominal cavity. His recovery was slow and it was six weeks before he was able to leave his bed. He is still improving but said he lacked a lot of having back his accustomed good health and "pep." He reports his parents having enjoyed prosperity since going to Winfield and being very comfortably situated there.
LITTLE RED HEN COULD: The bantam rooster owned by Chester Brokaw is some bird when it comes to raising Red Cross funds, but Terre Haute has a bantam hen which puts the little red chanticleer's record way in the shade. This hen is, or was owned by Milton Kern of Terre Haute,and sold at a Red Cross sale in that village for $100.30. She was then loaned to Carman where she boosted the Red Cross cause to the extent of $158. Lomax borrowed her next and realized $512 from repeated sales. She was taken to LaHarpe on the same afternoon and when the biding was finally over, $1,057.60 had been added to that city's Red Cross fund. Up to date the little hen has brought the Red Cross the sum of $1,827.90
HENDERSON COUNTY HAPPENINGS: Gladstone- Dr. B.L.Ditto went with his father to Rochester where the later will undergo an operation. Prof. Harry Blackstone, the principal of the high school, has been called to go to war. Mr. Arthur Gray has built a new house on the land he bought last fall of Ms. Tweed and will soon have it finished for a tenant to live in. The Red Cross ladies do some sewing every Thursday afternoon at Ellison Hall.
Carman-The Carman people will give a farewell party at the M.W.A. Hall for our boys called into U.S.service; ice cream and cake will be served. Mrs. William Coffman suffered a severe attack of gall stones. Mr. Harry Coffman and family ride in a new Ford car. Oquawka-Max Wren Garrett is very ill with the measles. William Simpson left for Ashburn, Mo. where he will work in the Dupont Powder works. At the school board meeting, Prof. Uhe was hired to teach the high school the coming year; he taught here the past year and proved to be a very good teacher.
Media-Lance Steele is now the new agent at the depot here. Members of the Community Club n are to meet at the home of Miss Kathyrn LaVelle to make comfort kits. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pendarvis are moving into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hiett and Mr. and Mrs. Shafer and family are moving into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Pendarvis (Spring has arrived and the seasonal moves have begun.)