The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.
Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918
Stronghurst Graphic, July 4, 1918
LETTER FROM CLYDE C. MURRAY: (Mr. Murray was a comrade of Charles Fisher at radio school in Massachusetts.) I am mighty glad you can find space in The Graphic for the boys' letters as I like to know how each is "doing his bit."
We too work a week in the galley, but I cut my finger almost off and only had to stay two days. Sometimes it pays to be awkward...
I am at the Naval Rifle Range where we shoot from daylight until dark and are still 900,000 rounds behind our allotment. What does this mean? It means that the "Blue Devils (marines) and the Naval Reserve forces are going to win the war. We are certainly getting in practice to kill Germans.
I made an Expert Rifleman of myself which is by no means an easy job. We shoot on a 500 yd. range and shoot 40 rounds of ammunition, 20 rounds in slow fire and 20 rounds in change position, and have to make a score of 160 on both or 70 on change position.
There are 5 positions for each string (6 shots), and the positions are prone, kneel, squat, kneel and sit. The target is up for 30 seconds and you have 20 seconds to change your position and load your piece. I pulled a score of 73 in change position. If I could only pick off the Huns that way!
You should see us show up the soldiers from Camp-- when they come up here to shoot. We have one fellow who can lie on his back, put the gun between his legs and make 4 out of 5 bulls eyes on the 300 yd. range; I've never tried it.
Well, I will ring off as I am writing on my knees and sitting on my bed, which consists of three 12 inch boards nailed together and put on two ammunition boxes with my hammock for a pillow, but I'm in the Navy now and it's a great life if you don't weaken. Clyde C. Murray, U.S.N.R.F. Cambridge, Mass.
ATTENDS BERKELEY: Miss Helen Morse, who has been in Los Angles, Calif., for several months is now attending the University of California at Berkeley. She writes: " I find my work intensely interesting besides my regular Spanish study. I am taking two military drill courses and of course, Red Cross work everywhere and anywhere.
This is an assembly point for many brilliant professors from various universities throughout the U.S. and we reap a harvest from their lectures. I spent an interesting two weeks motoring though the Imperial Valley, along the Mexican border, and San Diego..We have a wonderful view of Golden Gate from the University campus.
The weather is grand, so cool we never lose "pep" for we can comfortably wear our coats unless when drilling. Recently we have been carrying arms and as a consequence black and blue shoulders result but always with a university smile.-Helen F.Morse
LULU KESSLER A BRIDE: A few weeks ago Miss Lulu Kessler who was employed as teacher in the 3rd and 4th grades of the Stronghurst Public School last year and who had been re-engaged for the same position, quietly took her departure for the state of Washington where she declared it was her intention to spend part of the summer vacation.
Last week a letter came to the school board asking for a release from her teaching engagement and enclosing a clipping from the marriage announcement section of a Vancouver daily reading as follows: Porter-Kessler-Welly A. Porter of Vancouver, Wash. and Miss Lulu Kessler of Stronghurst, Ill. It would appear that what had been intended as a summer vacation had a romantic and happy termination.
The bride indicated that she would make Vancouver her home. We understand that Miss Kessler was not wholly unacquainted with Mr. Porter although he is not known to the larger part of her many friends in this vicinity.
All join in most hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Porter.
Report from the War Dept. On Death of Harry Clark: Congressman W.J.Graham, who has since his attention been called to the delay in reporting the death of Harry Clark in France, has been pursing an investigation into the cause for this delay and has received from the War Department this memorandum. . . On March 22nd, 1918 when operating in this Sector with French, Private Clarke was found missing on March 29, 1918. Body was found April 5th, 1918 in old and little used trench and he was reported presumably killed March 22nd, 1918 in action in line of duty. The failure to report by wire this death is traceable to careless checking of report by statistical officer on duty at these headquarters who has since been relieved from duty with division. Signed Pershing
LOYAL PLEASANT HILL: School District No.26 lying northwest of Stronghurst and known as the Pleasant Hill district, gave an example of the true spirit and loyalty last Friday afternoon when every tax payer of the district except one, who was out of the state, met at the school house and during the first hour subscribed for War Savings Stamps to the amount of $2520 or $355 more than the quota assigned to them. (Schoolhouse stood on land now owned by Garland Lefler in Section 16 Stronghurst Township.)
1893 Graphic: Rev. And Mrs. A.N.Porter of Media had received appointments as missionaries to India, but had not decided as to whether they would accept. The village council was wrestling with the problem in regard to the laying of new and the renewing of old sidewalks. The postal department had ordered the discontinuance of the Kirkwood-Raritan mail route and provided for service for the latter named village from Media. At Walnut Grove Miss Mary Jane Campbell, recently returned missionary, gave an address on the customs and manners of the people of India at a picnic celebration on July 4th. A.A.Peterson, a Santa Fe brakeman whose home was near Rozetta was killed near La Rose, Ill., when he was struck by an overhead bridge while standing on the top of a furniture car of a moving freight train.
A gang of bold burglars entered the Kessler and Chant hardware store, blew the safe open, took about $40 in cash and damaged the building to the extent of $150. They then went to the depot and held up Pete Groom, the night operator, compelling him to open the safe from which they took about $25. They smashed the telegraph instruments and then proceeded to the barn of Rev. Holmes where they took a pair of horses and a buggy with which to make their escape. The horses and buggy were found a short distance east of the boat house at East Burlington (Gulfport) where they had been abandoned, but the bold bandits made good their escape.
NEIGHBORHOOD HAPPENINGS: W.L.Bainter, a wealthy retired farmer and member of the LaHarpe city council, died at his home there on June 2nd. Elmer Simonson and Miss Edna Barnes were married last Thursday. The bride is a daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.O.Barnes and has been a successful teacher at Raritan for several years. Half a million dollars was buried under muddy water when the Indian Grave Levy broke at the new pumping station at Bear Creek above Quincy. About 5,000 acres of the finest wheat and corn that has ever been seen in the district is entirely lost. Much of the corn promised to make 100 bushels to the acre and 26 to 30 bushels to the acre was a conservative estimate on most of the wheat. Totally 8,000 acres is under water with 5,000 acres under cultivation.
SALTERS SERVE THEIR COUNTRY: Miss Edna Salter, who was recently called into service as a Red Cross nurse at Camp Gordon, Ga., has been sent to New York and is expecting oversea orders soon. Her brother, Dr. Ney M. Salter of Williams, Calif., has enlisted in the Medical department and will take training at Camp Fremont, California. (Thanks to Mrs. Vera White pictures of the Salter family overseas are available now at the Henderson County Library in Biggsville.)
W.C.T.U. PROGRAM: The entertainment given by the W.C.T.U. at the Lyric Theater attracted a good crowd. The program was opened with music by the orchestra. A piano duet given by Miss Winifred Drew and Jack Regan was followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. George Wax, a reading by Miss Ardis Hicks, a vocal solo by Miss Marjorie Thompson, and a cornet solo by Carrol Wax with his sister, Miss Alice, as accompanist. A song followed by the W.C.T.U. quartet composed of Mrs. Wax, Mrs. Ivins, Miss Grace Slater and Mrs. Grace Kaiser. A reading was given by Miss Thelma Steffey and a duet featured Frances Worley and Harold Bainter; Frances was dressed as a war nurse and Harold wore his scout suit and appeared as a soldier. They sang "After the War is Over" with colored lights being used to good effect. The orchestra played "The Star Spangled Banner" followed by a playlet giving some humorous allusions to food conservation. Mrs. Ruth Wilson appeared as a bride and Mrs. A.S.McElhinney as an Irish Maid. No admission was charge but some donated cash and other articles for comforts kits. Receipts for the evening were $18 in cash and $13.25 in various kinds of merchandise. The motto of the association was generally understood to be "don'ts" but now it is "do." The W.C.T.U. have contributed 250 comfort bags to soldiers, have given 150 garments to the needy in Belgium and have given $36.50 for the support of a French orphan besides other activities.
JOHN LANT CLAIMS BRIDE: "Friends of Miss Olive Sprowl will be surprised to hear of her marriage to J.S. Lant of Stephen, Minn., which was solemnized at the First U.P. on Monmouth parsonage by Rev. J. Reade McCory. The couple were attended by Miss Jessie Buckley and Miss Anna Donaldson, intimate friends of the bride. A simple ring ceremony was used. Mrs. Lant is well known in Monmouth, having spent the greater part of her life here. She attended Monmouth College graduating with the class of "05. She taught for a number of years at Central and Garfield Schools. She is the step-daughter of Alex McFarland and for the past few years has been traveling through the West with her father. The groom, a former Stronghurst area resident, was also a student of Monmouth College graduating with the class of "06. He is presently farming near Stephen, Minn. After a brief honeymoon in Chicago, the couple will be at home at the McFarland home on South Main Street.
LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Jack Saunders is at Bonaparte, Iowa, visiting his son Trinnie. Fred Chandler is building quite a commodious residence on his farm in the Decorra country. Division Supt. Allison and Roadmaster Walker of Chillicothe stopped in the village a short time while on a tour of inspection over this division of the Santa Fe by motor car. The Stronghurst Grain and Elevator has just had a large sign painted on their elevator in gold letters. James Root, the Monmouth photographer was a caller in town. Miss Verna Apt of Oakland, Iowa is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Celia Apt. A bouncing 12 lbs. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Prescott June 29th.
Miss Edna Salter, a trained nurse, is supposed to be somewhere on the Atlantic on her way to France. Communion services will be held at the U.P. Church next Sabbath morning; preparatory services will be held at the church on Friday evening with the sermon delivered by the pastor. Atty. J.W.Gordon of Oquawka received a letter from his son Paul in France stating that he was recovering at a hospital from the wounds he recently received while in action.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Barnett. A number of cases of typhoid fever are reported at Smithsire; one of those ill is Jesse Hise, son-in-law of David Dobbin. George Hunter from Algonquin is here to attend his ill father who hopes to journey to Peoria to try the baths. Sol Kessenger and Mrs. Ada Morrow were married in Galesburg; their friends congratulate them on this happy occasion.
Two horses belonging to Nat Bruen were killed by a bolt of lightning on the farm southwest of town during a recent thunder storm. Miss Martha Brokaw and her two nieces, Lois and Martha, have returned from California.
SMITHSHIRE SMATTERINGS: Quite a number of folks are on the sick list having developed typhoid fever. Mr. Don McCartney, Mrs. Mary Kilgore and Miss Ruby Hazen were taken to the Monmouth Hospital suffering with the disease. Other cases here are Mr. and Mrs. Lon Huntly, Mrs. Clifford Dalton and little daughter, Lennie Painter Kane and a little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Rosenbalm. It is not known what was the source of the disease, but a state officer was looking over the town conditions and every precaution is being taken to prevent further spreading. To date $1,125 has been raised for the hospital and retired ministers fund. A number of folks went to Weir fruit farm for berries, but most came back without them. With the amount of timber land about here ideal for berries of all kinds and the big demand for them, it would seem that it would be very profitable for some berry farms in this vicinity.
BARN BURNS AT LOMAX: A barn on Claude Vaughn's farm a short distance out of Lomax was destroyed by fire. It is supposed the fire was caused by a spark from a passing locomotive. Three horses were destroyed and two others were so badly burned that it was a question whether they would survive. Dr. Reed Salter was called from here to try and save them.
BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Eddy Wiegand passed the examination at Burlington for enlistment in the navy. The reception for Dr. and Mrs. A.C.Douglas in honor of their 25th anniversary was well attended although a storm kept several away. A quartet of Misses Evelyn Douglas, Lucille Zimmerman and Meesrs. Don Fuller and Robt. Glen furnished the music and short talks by Revs. Russel and Ritchie made an interesting program. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Mrs. Sarah Stanbary is spending the week with her son Harry in Burlington. Clyde Westlake recently purchased the house he occupies on Main Street from A.L.Thompson. The quarterly communion service was held at the U.P. church and several new members were received, one of which was Louie Dixon, who was baptized and signified his wish to become a member here while aboard ship on his way to France.
GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: Mr. Sam Stevenson came home with a fine new 7 passenger automobile from Burlington. Mr. Frank Pierson, father of Mrs. Will Graham, died at the home of his son, U.Pierson in Texas. The remains will be returned here and then laid to rest in the Olena Cemetery beside his wife. Miss Blanche Duvall has reached France safely. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L.Duvall and has the honor of being the only one from these parts to go as a Red Cross nurse. She is a graduate of Iowa University at Iowa City and held the position of superintendent of the Lincoln, Neb. Hospital for a year and a half. She gave this up to volunteer to go as a nurse to France.
The ladies of the Red Cross finished and sent away 4 hospital shirts, 25 pajama suits and 19 sweaters which shows there is a faithful lot of ladies here. The Allied Relief has finished 6 dresses for 6 year old size; 4 dresses for 4 year old size; 3 outing flannel shirts for 2 year old size; 1 outing flannel skirt 6 year size; 6 of the 6 month size, in all 20 dresses; 4 boys waists, 8 year old size; 3 boys waists, 12 year old size, in all 7 waists-a good showing for all their work. (Local groups worked diligently to help the cause whether it be to supply soldiers with needs or orphans in the war zone; every town was involved and tried to best their neighboring village.) Mr. Walter Furnald, Mrs. Alex Milligan and George Furnald were in Oquawka looking after their father, Mr. Marshall Furnald, who is seriously ill.
CARMAN CONCERNS: Miss Ora Kemp of West Branch, Iowa, is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillis, Sr. at Lomax. Mrs. Edna Brock of Chicago was called home by the illness of her mother, Mrs. J.W.Twilley. Miss Mary Siegworth is quite sick with inflammatory rheumatism at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fritz Dannenburg,, and a nurse is caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. John White and two daughters, Leona and Ruth, motored here from Council Bluffs and are visiting Mrs. Walter Howell, her sister. They also visited their son, Dr. Frank White, who is training at Camp Dodge.