The Hancock-Henderson Quill, Inc.

The 1918 Graphic

Compiled and Edited by Virginia Ross
Registrar for Daniel McMillan Chapter, N.S.D.A.R.1918

Stronghurst Graphic, May 23, 1918

LETTER FROM A SOLDIER: Camp McArthur, Waco, Texas- "Our Henderson County quota arrived here the 15th and were immediately assigned to our present quarters. Our equipment was issued at Jefferson Barracks after a very thorough physical examination.

This is certainly a congenial climate after passing such a cool spring at home. The afternoons are warm and the evenings quite cool. A breeze blows constantly which makes the days endurable. Thousands of men come into the camp every week, the capacity of the same is tremendous.

The word in the army is "make it snappy." The training we are destined to receive can be nothing but beneficial. Obedience is the first law-after that all will come comparatively easy.

Kindly say to my customers and patients that I always will appreciate their hearty co-operation in trade and patronage and though I regret having had to close my business upon so short notice, we all realize that in these strenuous days our first duty is to our country. After the war is over and the world is safe for democracy, we will all be back again if our fortunes permit and as I certainly will always remember you kindly, I sincerely beg not to be forgotten." Respectfully yours, K.E.Yoakam

BACCALAUREATE: The sermon to the graduating class of the Stronghurst High School was delivered at the United Presbyterian Church last Sabbath evening by Dr. T.H. McMichael, president of Monmouth College. The class of 17 members together with the other high school students occupied a reserved section of the middle block of seats in the church, which was handsomely decorated with the national colors, potted plants and flowers.

The audience present comfortably filled the church and no doubt many would have been turned away, but for the fact that heavy shower preceding the services kept many country people from attending. Rev. W.P.Anderson of the Lutheran Church and Rev. A.Jaggers of the M.E.Church assisted in the services. The music was by a special choir under the leadership of D.A.Prescott. A finely rendered solo by Miss Sarah McElhinney was one of the features of this part of the program.

Commencement exercises will be held at the Lyric Theatre on May 31st with Prof. R.E.Curtis of Knox College delivering the address.

RAISED QUOTA FIRST DAY: LaHarpe Township in Hancock County solved the Red Cross and War Aid problem by allotting a personal quota on a basis of two mills on the $100 assessed valuation for 1917.

The total valuation of property was found to be $2,268,844. The amount realized from the two mills tax, if all paid their allotment, would be $4,300. On the first day of the Red Cross drive $2,500 was paid into the hands of the treasurer, which was $500 more than the township quota.

UNION SERVICE: Rev. R.J.Vandervoort, an anti-saloon field workers, will occupy the pulpit of the Stronghurst U.P.Church next Sabbath morning. In the evening there the Rev. W.P.Anderson of the Lutheran Church will deliver the annual memorial sermon.

MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES: A meeting of citizens in the local Red Cross rooms arranged the observance of Memorial Day in the village. W.C.Ivins was chosen as chairman of the group. It was decided to hold special services in the Lyric Theatre at 2:30 p.m. to include not only a tribute to the soldiers of the Civil War, but also to the boys now in the service with a special tribute to the memory of Roy Foote and Harry Clark, two Stronghurst boys who have already given their lives for the cause of the Allies. It is to be Flag day as well and each citizen is urged to fly a flag of some kind both at home at his place of business, if he has one. The following committees were appointed: Securing speaker-B.G.Widney; Fife and drum corp-W.C.Regan; Vocal music-C.E.Fort; Children's exercises-Mary Morgan; Parade-R.W.Upton; Flowers and wreaths-Mrs. Chas. Kaiser; Flags-C.C.Butler; Marshall of the day-G.C.Rehling; Publicity-J.F.Mains. (Don't we wish such an event would occur this year in the county!)

WORD FROM ERNEST FOOTE: Writing to his father from "Some where in France" Ernest Foote reports himself and Joe Baxter as safe and well. He says that the boys on the Mexican border whom he heard were getting tired down there ought to be over in France where they would probably feel that the U.S. was preferable after all.

1893 GRAPHIC: Mr. and Mrs. R.L.Taylor were attending the World's Fair at Chicago. John Stine delivered 5,000 bushels of oats in Stronghurst during the week. W.E.Salter was enlarging and improving his grocery store building. Nicholas Reese, a resident of Carman neighborhood, 73 years of age, was kicked by a horse and instantly killed. A brick yard had just been started at Media.

W.C.T.U. INSTITUTE: The W.C.T.U. Institute held in the M.E.Church in Stronghurst was most interesting and profitable. Miss Helen Hood, State President, presided at the morning session. An organization of Henderson county was effected; Miss Hood read the constitution which was adopted with slight changes. The following officers were elected: President-Mrs. B.G.Widney; Vice-President-Mrs. W.H.Wells; Secretary-Miss Ruth Davis; and Treasurer-Mrs. W.C.Regan. June 7th was announced as a day for the War Drive for new members throughout the state and it is hoped that 2,000 would be gained. Miss Hood told of the war relief work done by the group: three ambulances have been equipped and the upkeep paid. $8,000 was put into moving picture machines for 18 camps.

These will show the effects of alcohol and tobacco. One hundred French orphans have been adopted and are being supported by the women. Plans are made for field kitchens to supply hot soup and chocolate for the men as they come from the trenches. The comfort bags made by the W.C.T.U. women contain necessary things.

It is hoped that groups of women in the towns and villages may be organized to work with the county W.C.T.U. and help in pushing the ratification of the constitutional amendment for Prohibition of the liquor traffic

A delightful luncheon was served at noon between 30-40 ladies being present at that time and more came in the afternoon.

A pleasant feature of the afternoon session was the vocal solos furnished by Miss Sarah McElhinney and Mrs. Geo. Widney.

1893: Mr. and Mrs. R.L.Taylor were attending the World's Fair at Chicago. John Stine delivered 5,000 bushels of oats to Stronghurst. W.E.Salter was enlarging and improving his grocery store building. S.D.Ricketts and Miss Laura Simpson of Oquawka were married at the M.E.parsonage here on May20th by Rev. Holmes. Nicholas Reese, a resident of the Carman neighborhood, 73 years of age, was kicked by a horse and instantly killed. A brick yard had been started in Media. The LaHarpe Dramatic Co. Presented the play "Maude Muller," in the Stronghurst Opera House.

CARMAN CONCERNS: Mrs. Fred Crane and son have returned home from Peoria and Mr. Crane will join the family in a few days prior to their departure for California for his health. Mrs. Charlie Dahl, a former resident, passed away at the Burlington Hospital after a few weeks illness. She leaves a husband and two little sons besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.P.Evans and two brothers and five sisters to mourn her departure. Her body was taken by auto to Olena for burial. Abe Magee and family and his brother, who lives in the West, and V. Jones and wife visited at the Pete Good home. Mr. Harry Clover and family and Miss Murphy motored to Denmark, Iowa to visit relatives and were accompanied home by his father Mr. Marcellus Clover.

OLENA OBSERVATIONS: A district Sunday School convention will be held at the M.E.Church next Sabbath afternoon. Delegates and visitors are asked to bring their lunch and the ladies of the church will serve hot coffee. Mrs. George Fort is being cared for by Mrs. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hicks and son Keith and Lee Davis spent Sabbath in Oquawka as guests at the Green Fryrear home. Edward Booten remains quite low at his home in the village. Miss Grace Marshall closed her school recently in the Evans district with a picnic dinner. John Sterling has purchased a new Ford.

BIGGSVILLE BRIEFS: Dean Whiteman was home from Camp Dodge on furlough. Mrs. Hart, who has been seriously ill for sometime following an attack of the measles, was taken to Burlington Hospital Sunday evening. Monday morning a successful operation was performed on her throat and she is expected home the latter part of the week. A number of new workers have been going to the gauze room lately and they are turning out a creditable amount of work. (They were making bandages for the soldiers.) Louie Dixon has informed friends that he is "over there." Clark Holmes, who went to France with the Rainbow Division, has been wounded and is on his way home. Rev. H.T.Russell went to Fall Creek where he conducted the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Mary J. Cook, age 90.

The regular Memorial Services will be held in the Presbyterian Church at 10:30 a.m. on Decoration Day. Rev. Ritchie will have charge of the services. The first meeting will be 10 am in honor of the veterans. Immediately afterward, a precession will be formed to march to the cemetery and decorate the graves of all departed soldiers. In the afternoon Dr. A.C.Douglass will conduct services at the U.P. church and Rev. Russell will be in charge of the 8 pm meeting at the M.E.Church.

A class of ten graduates from the Biggsville Township High School. Mrs. John Rezner went to Gladstone to help start the work there in Allied relief. The Gladstone people generously donated over $35 to buy material and work was begun on the garments that are so much needed. Mrs. Rezner is County Chairman of Allied relief and expects to interest every township in the county in the work. C.L.Kilgore is soliciting orders for the Union Tea Company.

GLADSTONE GLEANINGS: J.W.Gordon of Oquawka lectured on the Red Cross drive. The band played several fine pieces on the street before going to the U.P. church where Mr. Gordon gave his talk. Will Begeman of Peoria, who is poor health, is visiting his aunts, Mrs. J. Kelley and Margaret

Cadle as well as other relatives. Mrs. John Reasoner of Kirkwood gave a talk of Belgian relief before the ladies who were sewing at Bryan's hall for the Belgian children and children of the Allies. C.A.Hedges had a carload of coal arrive to supply his customers. Mr. and Mrs. I.F.Forward gave a dinner to honor Orlin Ogle who will soon go to Camp Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Galbraith went to Colorado to visit with their sons who live there. The boys will go to a training camp soon. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Galbraith have received word that their son, Lee has arrived safely in France.

SMITHSHIRE SMATTERINGS: One of the Monmouth Oil Company's trucks caught fire just east of town a couple of miles and burned up. It made quite a fire as there was 200 gal. of gas and 25 gal. of kerosene in the tank.

Some of the town's folks went out to the fire. The school children gave an entertainment with proceeds going to the Red Cross and the school fifty-fifty. Smithshire is planning a great time on June 2nd when they will have their flag raising program. Rep. James Pace of Macomb will deliver the address. A letter from Adoniram Edwards, who is sojourning in Oklahoma, states he is having a good time and that things look well-wheat out in head-new potatoes about ready for use-and trees dull of peaches. Mr. Elmer Cooper is now riding in a new Ford while Mr. Sommerville and family motor in a new Hup.

WEDDING-BROWN-BOOTEN: Elza Brown of Dallas City and Mrs. Ethel Booten of Stronghurst were quietly married by Rev. A. Jaggers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shook and the only guests present in addition to the family were Miss Myrtle Chard of Smithshire and Will Cole of Stronghurst. Mr. Brown is an engineer and has been employed at Dallas City. They expect to leave for Bartlesville, Okla., where they will make their home and where Mr. Brown will operate an engine in the oil region.

REYBURN-BURR: William Reyburn and Miss Mattie Burr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orr Burr were united in marriage at Oquawka on May 22nd.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Misses Ruth Davis and Alice Chant of Stronghurst, Miss Evelyn Richey of Media, Mrs. Fred Fitz and Miss Hattie Taylor of Maple Grove and Mrs. Painter of Terre Haute, left for Peoria to attend the state Sabbath School convention. Miss Nellie Wilsher is taking treatment for rheumatism in a Peoria sanitarium. Alex Peterson of Knoxville, inspector for the pure food commission, was a caller in town. Morris Talcher, the Stronghurst junk dealer, was visited by his family from Burlington. Grover Rehling and Thomas Dixon were in Burlington and brought home a new Buick truck for use in the telephone business. Will Cole left for Lincoln, Kan., for a brief visit before continuing on to Las Vegas, N. Mex. in hopes that a change of climate will improve his health.

LOCAL AND AREA HAPPENINGS: Mr. and Mrs. H.M.Allison, spent the winter in the south and returned home recently. Honest tests and prices at the Stronghurst Creamery Co., two doors south of the hotel. Mrs. Minnie Peterson left for her new home in Seymore, Iowa. James Wolfe was called to Ashland, Neb. by the serious illness of his sister. Miss Merna Vaughn went to Canton, Mo. to attend commencement exercises. Gid Bailey, who went to Pueblo, Colo., several weeks ago to try the effects of a change of climate, reports that his health very much improved. L.D.Coleman, who has a malignant tumor on his neck, went to the Santa Fe Hospital at Fort Madison for treatment. Miss Amy Jean Robinson, a teacher at Media during the past year left for her home at Canton; she has been employed as principal of the Stronghurst High School succeeding Miss Carothers.

The Cemetery beautification has been completed and paid for by the receipts from the various plays given and a balance of $136.49 remains for the construction of cement walks. Osia Reynolds is home from army life on a ten day furlough. Mrs. Will Stine burned one of her hands severely while engaged in her household duties. George Curry of Blackwell, Okla., is visiting his brother-in-law, N.B.Curry. C.E.Fort and Tom Dodds shipped three cars of stock to Chicago. Will Stine and John Simonson shipped two cars and Guy Lanphere one car.

Frank A.Walter of Dallas City and Miss Ferill Vaughn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Vaughn of Lomax were married in Burlington on May 18th. The barn on the farm of Mrs. Gebhard Fitz in Decorra country was stuck by lightning and somewhat damaged but not destroyed. Sheriff Knox with the police blood hounds of Monmouth passed through on their way to Charles Hardin farm southwest of Raritan to see if they could locate the thief who stole a set of double trees from a harrow during the previous night.

The storm which came from the northwest last Tuesday evening developed some freakish features. In some parts of the village there was little wind while in other parts miniature cyclones raged. Two windows of the school building were blown in and the room strewed with wreckage. A number of trees were also blown down in the south part of town. Hail stones, large and jagged, fell while the storm was in progress. G.C.Rehling, who was motoring home from Burlington, reported hail stones 4 or 5 inches in diameter west of Hopper.

MEDIA MEANDERINGS: Jake Ford went to Chicago. Mr. Marion Bice went to Idaho last week for his health. Dr. J.P.Riggs has gone to Duluth, Minn. where he has accepted a position there. Gale Sullivan has a position at the Stronghurst depot. Dr. and Mrs. J.F. Meloan were given a reception at Meloan Hall; they closed up their store and expect to leave Saturday.